Archived Last Day

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2 Many Hats...
Mar 5, 2013
So today was my last day. After 12 years it was bittersweet. I'll miss my team, some more than others... I was fortunate to be in a store with great leadership and pretty much all the problems we suffered through came from the corporate level. We weathered them fairly well, I believe. Modernization for me had it's highs and lows. I can see where owning your area would be beneficial and I loved the idea of having a section of the store to specialize in and give my all.... problem is that corporate doesn't give enough hours to maintain and some TMs would call off forcing us to spread our coverage a bit too thin. And the days I was off, my work was often sabotaged by some of my own team who pushed things to the absolute wrong area. In theory modernization is a great idea but in practice.... it lacks quite a bit. But anyway....

I'll still be around... thanks to everyone who helped me here by answering questions and giving part numbers and just listening to me vent. Target team members are lucky to have this resource.

My best to you all...

~Right Arm
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