Archived Leaving Target due to medical condition? - Still under 90 days

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I can haz pda?
Aug 21, 2013
Hello, I am wondering If I could leave target due to a medical reason...I went to the doctor days ago and he diagnosed me with "Tarsal tunnel syndrome" and I went on for another week thinking it would go away but it just got worse and I tried all the things he told me to and even that didn't help...Dr Scholl Shoe inserts..soaking etc I can't seem to stand no more then 1-2 hours at a time before it decides to come back and cashiering I'm required to be standing all the time and I just can't handle the pain and If I have to find something else that allows me to sit then that's okay.

Problem is I heard about the 2 week notice thing and I don't think I can really do this for 2 more weeks unless under my 90 day period I am allowed to quit my employment (States in the handbook and that Target also reserves the same right) I don't plan to work with target again or in cashiering in retail in general

I have a followup appointment with him tomorrow.
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After a little reading I can see why you wouldn't want to work out your two weeks.
That must hurt like a bitch.
I'd get as much back up notes from the doctor and let them know why you can't do the two week notice.
Since you're under the 90 you can't get them to give you light duty or anything like that.
Good luck and take care.
I had carpel tunnel in my hands and that sucked bad enough, can't imagine what you're going through.
Thank you corvus 🙂 I will request my doctor's notes then

It does suck and I've had carpel tunnel before but a good keyboard wrist thing and I was good lol but this is different it's like 1 hour into the shift...light pain and then 2 hours it becomes pulsing and after 30 minutes after that it becomes stinging severe constant aching pain and then when I get home it becomes hard to sleep as they are swollen like crazy and go numb with a pin and needles feeling the rest of the night :/

Thank you for the quick reply so I know what to do the next couple of days
One last question.

Who would I talk to about quitting and my medical condition with doctors note that I can't do my 2 weeks notice? I know that I have to hand in my badge and my discount card that still says New TM but anything else I need to hand in?

Last question, Do I need to write a short letter or anything?
Get a doctors note and sit down with HR. Just talk with them and see if they can accommodate you first. Either they can give you a stool or something, or if they can move you to operator or maybe clerical.

If you do decide to leave, there is really only one form for you to fill out if leaving Target...the Voluntary Termination Form. And a leaving prior to your 2 week notice with medical documentation should keep you hireable.
You know what the duties of clerical and Operator are? (Besides answering the phone)

Does Target even allow the use of stools? Cause they want you to "Fish" people into your lane and zone your endcaps etc when your not helping a guest
One of our cashiers broke her ankle in a fall & was in a boot for 10 weeks.
She had a stool but also covered breaks for operator & SD.
Get a doctors note and sit down with HR. Just talk with them and see if they can accommodate you first. Either they can give you a stool or something, or if they can move you to operator or maybe clerical.

If you do decide to leave, there is really only one form for you to fill out if leaving Target...the Voluntary Termination Form. And a leaving prior to your 2 week notice with medical documentation should keep you hireable.

Going to try and talk to the ETL-HR tomorrow she's a nice lady seeing as my shift starts around 3 I'm going to go early around 1:30 so I have time to lay out my problem...Feel like I'm giving them a ambitious choice lol it's more of a request to which I will be stating "Well It's been nice working with you and everything but unfortunately..I'll have to request a voluntary termination form because I can't perform my job with this pain" and hand them my doctor's note I have and say I can't adhere to my 2 weeks notice.

If the worse happens I'll leave on a positive emotional and verbal note at least
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One of our cashiers broke her ankle in a fall & was in a boot for 10 weeks.
She had a stool but also covered breaks for operator & SD.

Ouch :/ I sprained my ankle a long time ago when I was a little kid and my ankle has never been the same since it doesn't hold easily anymore and has become more flexible then stable but I'm wondering what kind of stool would work in such a small space that is easy to get out and on
my last day was yesterday, and all they asked for was my name badge, didnt even ask for my discount! and a day later i was still able to use my discount lmao...but when you turn in your voluntary termination form, it will ask why your leaving and you can check out all the reasons and or other, for me i checked military service, there is a spot for medical reasons, you can also put in your own comments explaining why.

But if i were you, i would honestly try to stay, i honestly have no idea what pain your in, but i would ask for a medical leave with your doctors note, just take like a month off or something and allow yourself to heal. Thats my opinion, like i said, i have no idea what kind of pain your in, only you know what the right choice is, but good luck in whatever is you decide.
what kind of stool would work in such a small space that is easy to get out and on
Our cashier was using one of the round wooden ones that's got a smallish base.
She said it did start to leave a dent in her butt after awhile, tho.
It's all okay now 🙂 My actual doctor during my physical today told me about these shoes called "Gravity Defyers" they are basically spring loaded tennis shoes and I'm gonna put the Dr scholls massaging gel insoles in that...I will post my results 😀

^.^ He said like most cashiers I don't have tarpel tunnel syndrome...I have Plantar fasciitis :/ He says I could have had it before and I just didn't notice it enough to go in makes sense seeing as I play tennis and have had several injuries from that in all parts of the body
I know you said it's not an issue anymore, but for your situation, this is how I see it:

You should still be able to give two weeks notice without having to continue the work that is negatively affecting you. Get your doctors note and talk to HR. Tell them that you are putting in your two weeks, but for the meantime you have a doctors note that excuses you from the work that you were doing. They will either have you work out your two weeks in a different department that meets your needs, or they will just release you then and there (but shouldn't put you on the ineligible-for-rehire list because it was their choice to let you leave right then, not yours).

As far as I know, the two-weeks-notice thing is A) A courtesy to your employer and B) ensures that you will be eligible for re-hire down the road. As long as THEY let you leave in good will, I don't see how not working the two weeks would be a problem, right?

Any input here? This piqued my curiosity and I want to know if my scenario is realistic.
It's all okay now 🙂 My actual doctor during my physical today told me about these shoes called "Gravity Defyers" they are basically spring loaded tennis shoes and I'm gonna put the Dr scholls massaging gel insoles in that...I will post my results 😀

How's it working for you?
Makes sense to me, Snookie.

Super, how are you doing? I know you had some cashier shifts you needed to get rid of a couple of weeks ago because cashiering is still an issue. Is sales floor working out okay for you? This sounds really painful. Is it something that will heal or will you need to deal with it forever?

Edited to add...Oh heck...what mrknownothing said. 🙂
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