Archived Leaving while on LOA?

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Jul 7, 2017
I am currently on Leave of Absence as I am a full-time student. I will be graduating in May and I am not sure I want to come back to my store. I know that if you do not return by the end of your LOA you voluntarily terminated your position. With that being said, should I give a two-week notice if I decide to not return? Is it necessary?

Thank you in advance for your time and response. I greatly appreciate it.
Well, now I got an offer from a competitor for a more senior level position pending graduation. I know about the Covenant Not to Compete, and because of it I am unsure if I should accept the offer?
If its better pay anx the potential of being a better employer go for it. Pay isnt everything though zo do your resesrch before plunging off that bridge. Could be watter at the bottome or a flaming train wreck
Take the other job and definitely let your store know you won't be returning as soon as you've finalized everything. Yes, people who don't return from LOA get terminated (and often are keyed in as non-rehireable) but that's unprofessional and unfair to your team. It's better for you to resign and let them know now than wait for them to term you.
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