Archived Left Early

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Mediocre at best
May 26, 2019

Today I left an hour early because I had a extremely bad migraine. I'm still in my 90 day period, other than this I have not missed a day and I picked up four extra hours yesterday. I have been working really hard at this job.

Will this be held against me when my 90 days is up?

Today I left an hour early because I had a extremely bad migraine. I'm still in my 90 day period, other than this I have not missed a day and I picked up four extra hours yesterday. I have been working really hard at this job.

Will this be held against me when my 90 days is up?

did you get permission to leave?
As long as you let your Leader know what was going on you should be fine. I hope you told them as soon as you started feeling unwell, that way they’ll see you were trying to work. If you get frequent migraines you might want to bring in a Dr note.
You will probably be fine. Don't make a habit of it, and if you know your triggers don't gamble.
It may not hurt, but it certainly didn't help.
i think you're fine, everyone's always up in flames about the 90 day period but if you work, show up when you're suppose to, and leave when you're told to or suppose to... you're all good
If you genuinely did not feel well enough to work, still tried to work and made it through some of your shift, and got permission to leave, and don't have any other attendance issues, then you need to find another job if your employer cannot be understanding of a person missing one partial shift in 90 days. I'm really sorry you feel so stressed out over it.

I don't mean to minimalize the importance of doing a good job, or detract from Target employees who love their job and are amazing at it, and it does suck to be short handed, but you are not a critical care nurse, a medivac pilot or a transplant surgeon. There will be no lives lost if Janet C. Team Member missed half her shift.

(I also know finding another job isn't an option for everyone, I just meant that no one should feel like they can't leave early if they are experiencing staggering migraine pain.)
ASANTS, but at mine, they appreciate it if you at least try to come in when not feeling well, and they don't get mad if you start feeling ill enough to leave in the middle of your shift. If you put in the effort and did the best you could to work through it, they see that positively.
You're fine. Your store is probably glad to have an excuse to save the hour in payroll.
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