Archived Medical Emergency

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Aug 10, 2015
I currently had a medical emergency that requires me to stay in the hospital for an unknown time frame. When I call the store do I just say I will let them know when I'll be back? Will I require a doctors note to prove my stay? Just seems weird to call and say I don't know when I'll be back.
I'd call them and ask what all they need from you. They could maybe fax you a medical leave form or have you try to do it online from the hospital. Better safe to check.
At least call them to let them know you're going to be unable to work for an unknown timeframe but you'll be able to get them more specific information as soon as you can. That way they know you're not no-showing and can try to cover your shifts. Do you have a rough estimate of "at least one week" or something like that?
Call the store & talk to the lod. Then follow up with hr for the correct forms. If over 90 days, you can do a short term disability or medical LOA. Get better please.
Yeah I'll call them and try to give an "earliest" date. I'm in a wait and see situation but it doesn't seem like it will take a week or more unless I'm on restrictions.
So just a quick question, I last called last Thursday to tell them I'd be out through the weekend and now tomorrow is my next shift. Would it be better to call tonight and have the LOD leave a note of how long I will be out (I have a timetable now) or call tomorrow morning and let my ETL know who already knows what's going on?
Id call them ASAP... explain your situation to the ETL-HR or STL. You should be able to take a Medical Leave of Absence. They will assign you a contact/case manager at Hewitt. You'll just need your doctor to fill out paperwork, but you should be good to go. But I'd call ASAP!!!!
I'm only going to be out a week, does that still qualify? I'll have missed 7 days of work but it seems weird to be put on disability if I'm already back. Can dates be backtracked?
I'm only going to be out a week, does that still qualify? I'll have missed 7 days of work but it seems weird to be put on disability if I'm already back. Can dates be backtracked?
If you want to keep your job & get paid while you are out. Call your store now.
For a short period of time you do not need medical LOA but like everyone said call in with whatever info you have asap. Make sure HR is informed of everything. Talking to the LOD is good but make absolutely sure that HR knows everything first hand. Meaning make the extra effort to talk to someone in HR even if you have to call back later to get them after talking to the LOD.

When I was hospitalized they gave me the ETL-HRs email address at work and I emailed her all the details, was able to ask questions, and kept in communication with her regularly until I was able to go back to work.

Get well soon... 🙂
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