so yesterday i worked 5-11, i came in late at 5:03 so i was supposed to take a meal at 10 & my store closes at 11. there was only me and another person on cashier the whole night, i never got a fifteen either, i worked the full six hours, asked about a break but got declined and they told me to wait a bit longer since i would leave my co worker alone but she was able to take her 15. so i clock out at 11:07 because they are some guests still & they asked me to stay, they never came up to me about compliance & frankly i forgot too i thought i clocked in at 5:10. so i just checked my time card & it said i clocked out at 9 for a meal. so it put that i only worked 5.35 hours when i actually did 6 hours of work. this isn't the first time this has happened either. i dont think this is fair unless it is but i dont know what i should do. i feel like i should get paid what i worked even if it is only 30 minutes