Archived Moving to different target question

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Tech Support
Oct 19, 2015
Do they honor your pay when you move to different target lets say in a different state? Have you ever switched targets? If you did how long did the process take?
Its rare. You usually will keep your raises/job center rate. But if there is a difference in base pay, you will get that new stores base rate + your raises/job center rate. It ususally is centered around cost of living surveys.

I started at a store that the base rate was $7 +all my raises at a high volume store. Then moved to a smaller volume store where their base rate was $6.50. So I lost $.50 cents per hour.
I had a Tm transferred to another state & had my hr to their Hr for a good reference. They kept the same pay. "A" volume to ulv store. But, they were global too.
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If I remember correctly you used to transfer with your same pay.

Then they changed things to how they are now where you basically have to renegotiate your pay upon transfer.
After the transfer I got a pay downgrade which bit made life a bit hard.
If you were a tl & went to a tm, there maybe a cut in pay. But, you should ask those pay questions before transferring. Also, you might of gotten a bad ref from your stl to the new store.
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