Archived myFA (SFS) ideas / issues / problems

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Jul 26, 2017
In this thread, I would like and appreciate all end-user ideas, issues, problems you are encountering with the myFA ( SFS ) app / system.

The hope is to collect issue(s) and somehow get them supported to I/T for review and/or knowledge transfer of a bug or issue to be researched and addressed.

Has anyone come across the annoying "bug(s)" in myFA whereby:
  • if you INF an item twice ( once during your initial search and again at the end of the batch ). that sometimes the pick batch system gets "lost" and will pull up this item from the prior batch even though you are on to the next order within the batch ??
  • or.... if you run thru a couple-three batches without issue too the same cart, but your next / current batch needs to be "suspended" which then makes all the batches assigned to that cart "active" again. This requires you to re-open each batch and click "pick new batch" until you get back to the batch that says "continue picking to this location"???
This is a major bug / annoyance that needs addressed.
  • The system needs to be fixed that once a batch is "closed" (ie: select pick a new batch), it needs to be locked from re-opening or from becoming "active" again.
Anyone else have any issue(s) they have come across that maybe we can set up a new discussion topic just for myFA Q&A and hopefully send end-user bug lists and enhancements ideas to I/T to address?
All of those are related to the same thing, which is when you complete a batch and chose to pick another batch, that batch now becomes linked with the previous one and neither are closed out until you tie it to the pack station.

The plus side to this is that if you come across an item you couldn't find, and you haven't tied that batch to the pack station yet, you can just suspend your current batch and the previous batch will be available again.

I don't have those problems at all due to the way my carts are set up (each individual tier of the cart is a "single hold location," like the flats or tubs you might have as SFS locations). When I finish a batch, I always chose "continue to pack station" and then scan it in or key in pack01. Then I pick the next batch, using the same cart if I want to.
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