Archived NES Classic edition

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Jun 13, 2013
Was on break at 8am since I started my shift at 6am and was told I couldn't purchase one because supposedly it's a rule we cannot buy it unless it's been on the shelf for 15 minutes. Anyone have any insight?
Yes, that's accurate. In general it applies to high popularity items, but you're best off asking your HR about your store's specific policy so you don't get into trouble.
Guests must have first opportunity to purchase items.
Could someone send screenshots of Q4 TM purchase guidelines. I can't access with my number.
My STL allows us to take our break just before store opens, and stand at the line with the other guests outside. Might be good idea to cover red shirt? Wont hurt to ask you STL/ETL. Does anyone have an estimate as to when stores might get more?
I really don't get the hype for these. We've been able to play NES games on Wii and WiiU for a decade now. Sure the bundle is a good deal compared to buying them individually but not being able to download more and only having 1 controller on a 2.5' cord killed it for me.

Want to play Contra, Mega Man 3, Metal Gear, Kung Fu, Ninja Gaiden 2, Blaster Master, Castlevania 3, or Tetris? Tough crap.
We have a sign in electronics that says we reserve the right to limit quantities
Just say that spot reserves the right to limit quantity purchased by a guest...
Oh it wasn't me. I was going to break when angry guests stopped me and said someone just bought 4 NES. I was shocked. I asked electronics why it wasn't 1 per guest, he ignored me. LOD caught wind and was also pissed. Electronics proceeded to say "No one tells me anything". Bro, really?
This has always been the rule. If you're working it needs to be on the floor for 15 minutes. If you are off you can stand in line outside.
Texted my coworker apparently a line started at 6:30am

We had 4 consoles fuckin rip them
Oh it wasn't me. I was going to break when angry guests stopped me and said someone just bought 4 NES. I was shocked. I asked electronics why it wasn't 1 per guest, he ignored me. LOD caught wind and was also pissed. Electronics proceeded to say "No one tells me anything". Bro, really?
That tm needs to get a talking to by a tl.
That tm needs to get a talking to by a tl.
He knew our policy is based on judgement of the situation. If there had been no line, and someone wanted to buy 4, it would have not been an issue. But they literally sprinted to the front and bought 4. I would have told them they get to go to the back of the line for running. I feel bad because I thought about going up there just to make sure nothing funny happened, but didn't because I figured it was just common sense.
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