Archived New Employee - Sales Floor!

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Oct 23, 2014
Hello, everyone! I was just hired at Target for the sales floor, and I start my first training shift tomorrow morning for cashier. Eek!

I've only had one retail job previously, and it was at a very, very small store, so I'm still not sure what to expect from such a huge retailer... so, I hope to learn a lot from everyone's experience here! Nice to meet you all.
Greetings and Salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
My first day of training as cashier was pretty nice, half of it was just observing and taking that alcohol sales/hazmat situations quiz. Then I was thrown right into a lane. It was kinda nice because someone from my orientation was also being trained alongside me, so it was nice to not be alone in the situation y'know? My team members seem very nice, or at least they're very, very good at concealing all of the frustration I'm sure must have been building from all the questions I asked LOL!
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