Archived New ETL Logistics

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Jul 14, 2014
Hello Everyone !

So I just found out today that I will be starting my Target career as an ETL Logistics. Last summer I interned with Target but as a Hardlines ETL. I was wondering what advice You all could give me as I am super nervous about what to expect (Early Mornings, hours, team, ect.) I am really anxious to get started and really look forward to that fast paced early morning environment and I really want to make an impact at my future store! Thanks for all the help!!!
Welcome and Congrats on your job. Treat everyone with respect. Listen to your tms. ...don't talk down to them or act like you are better than them. Remembe,r a large part of your success or failure is in their hands. Ask, them for feedback, what do they want from you as a leader, what do they NOT want from you as a leader. If you have a question and don't understand something ask them....don't get in the normal etls tradition of running team members above members will see that in you and respect that. Make conversation with them...not because you have to but because you want to.....respect them...and they will respect you
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Business College and training will get you excited about your new role. The store that you are most likely to train at has a solid process, making ETL- Log seem like a cake job. Armed with a binder full of "Best Practices" you'll be ready to tackle any challenge standing in your way. First, step back from drinking the kool-aide as soon as you can and analyze the current process you are walking into. See what works and what can be improved. Listen to your seasoned TLs, if you have them. They've seen ETLs come and go, each making the process better or worse. Get to know every TM. Find out what drives them, what their career goals are, or how their family is doing? Introduce yourself, let the team know you. All they'll see is another person with authority who doesn't know his/her @ss-hole from his/her elbow when it comes to logistics. Get involved in the beginning. Help TMs finish aisles, keep the line moving, fill in where needed. Prove that you can deliver on the expectations that you expect from your team (but remember, you make $$$$ compared to them so understand your enthusiasm is expected to be higher because of your pay grade). Don't set expectations that you couldn't complete yourself. Set your team up for success.

Don't be afraid to make changes. Be consistent. Stay Golden!
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