Archived New Ladders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oct 11, 2011
I am so glad that those pain in the ass ladder are gone from our stockroom! Thanks to the remodel, things have gotten a bit more organized. And the time it saves to not have to pull out the ladders, just to get to one little box is great! I am a bit sad that I cannot go "wheeee" down the aisles as I had originally thought, due to it takes a bit more force to move these new ladder on a track then just simply pulling/pushing on an aisle poll. This has just save me time in pulling merchandise!
Give it a few months and those tracks will be stiff as a board. Oil time!
Still having fun on ours.....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Yes indeed those Cotterman ladders are awesome and time saving
Cotterman ladders FTW! They rule! It takes a couple of days to figure out how to move them while you are on them, but it can easily be done.
I've had these laddars for month's now, they really are a time saver in doing autofill's, and easy to move down the idle on once uve figured out how
heard about these ladders, i would LOVE them. Does it take a whole backroom remodel or can they be used on older stuff in the back
ours was retrofitted in its own 2-day project not related to any type of remodel so it seems like they can be put into any store at any time.
ours was retrofitted in its own 2-day project not related to any type of remodel so it seems like they can be put into any store at any time.

sadly i dont think that day will ever come for my store 🙁 atleast once a day i get the dreaded double ladder in a isle and im halfway down before i notice
The Cotterman ladders can be added as a project at any time, but it will be determined by different factors. If you have a high number of older ladders ready to be replaced, this might trigger an option to have the store retrofitted with the new ones. It won't really be up to the individual store, more of a partnership between the DTL and DFM I believe. As for the ladders themselves, I've seen up to four different types, but they are all better than the old style.
I need to know the secret of how to move the ladders when on them lol
I need to know the secret of how to move the ladders when on them lol

It's a workout. Kinda like "pumping" on the swingset. You use your arms to shift your body weight off the rubber feet so the ladder can move forward a few feet down the rails. Then the ladder settles onto the feet again and you "pump" again (lol)

It works better when you're more towards the top of the ladder. Just extend your arms then forcefully pull yourself toward the ladder.
It's one of the little things that make my job interesting......that & my paycheck (emphasis on "little").
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