You mean 557? Or is 580 doing something different from RSS?
I also thought it was only 557 but the GSCL update stated 580 has been using the grey tubs to specifically load noncon for 3 years now.
A picture in the article showed they had a grey tub loaded next to a pallet that held typical T rack items like a mirror.
Said they have placed an order for 30k of the grey plastic tubs to be rolled out to all RDCs by this fall with learnings from the test run at 580 incorporated into the new process.
Personally I am hoping this means they will be switching to a pick by store method finally. We already trialed that years ago and it was at least 20% more efficient than the current sorting method, and that was with having the wrap the pallet.
I can see guys running around on PEs with ~4 tubs, one for each store, filling them and then just running back to the wing to drop them off at a store or having a desginated GPMer to bring them from the NC warehousing aisles to the wing.
And then just maintaining the current system for teamlift items (should be easy, mostly just 249, 074, 066, 008, and a few odds and end like sleds and kiddie pools).
Should be a lot less issues with damaged noncon and also less TIFs back from the stores both complaining we didnt load the dog food into a wall and so it all fell over, as well as getting complaints that we DID build a dog food pallet into a wall to prevent it from falling apart mid transit, and that it slowed down their unload 😅