Archived New position/role in inbound

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Trainer/ clerical / inbound D.C. /
Jul 24, 2016
anyone else seeing a new role /position in inbound for their building . we just started inbound poc I've been selected for it. You basically do the job of a gl slotting trailers monitoring prod etc and it's used as a training spot for team members who have the potential to move up or are trying to move up to om
My DC is starting to do something like that. Basically like a team lead at the store. They didn't really pick the best candidates though. The one we have in my department only has about 5 years, he's lazy and doesn't do the work like the rest of us, and basically was only picked because he's always out chatting with the OM. I guess they think he's the best candidate though. I've also heard that they will be switched to salary making about $2-$3 more an hour than the rest of us, not eligible for OT.
My DC is starting to do something like that. Basically like a team lead at the store. They didn't really pick the best candidates though. The one we have in my department only has about 5 years, he's lazy and doesn't do the work like the rest of us, and basically was only picked because he's always out chatting with the OM. I guess they think he's the best candidate though. I've also heard that they will be switched to salary making about $2-$3 more an hour than the rest of us, not eligible for OT.
Ours is only selected based on attendance work ethic knowledge etc, pay remains the same and wind up getting overtime even when there isn't any for the rest of the team as they come in earlier that usual shift time, to do om duties for start up. They basically are the om minus the title And pay. Defiantly looks promising as far as opportunity to advance goes we have had two team members make om so far through it.
Our senior said the D.C. Averages 6-8 openings a year for om due to moving up or out of building and he wants atleast 3-4 filled from within
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