New Severe Weather Procedures?


Senior Team Member
Jun 9, 2011
Have severe weather procedures, and sheltering criteria, changed at the store level recently? We haven't had any severe weather training at the store this season, and I have heard that there may have been changes. For example, we used to monitor the weather radio and phone weather apps, and if there was a tornado warning in our county (especially if local sirens went off), we were to shelter immediately. I understand that Target may now be using more fine-grained intra-county reporting provided by AccuWeather and alerting by a device app used by leaders. Using this new criteria, stores might not immediately shelter, even if sirens go off.

Is anyone familiar with any new procedures?

Also, if guests hear sirens go off, the weather app on their phone indicates a tornado touchdown, and they want to shelter, do we allow them to do so, even if we don't?
Sounds like severe weather procedures have not changed recently, based on the dearth of responses. Also, our leadership just said there will be severe weather training and reminders to the team now that we are into "ice cream cone-shaped clouds in the sky" season.
Have severe weather procedures, and sheltering criteria, changed at the store level recently? We haven't had any severe weather training at the store this season, and I have heard that there may have been changes. For example, we used to monitor the weather radio and phone weather apps, and if there was a tornado warning in our county (especially if local sirens went off), we were to shelter immediately. I understand that Target may now be using more fine-grained intra-county reporting provided by AccuWeather and alerting by a device app used by leaders. Using this new criteria, stores might not immediately shelter, even if sirens go off.

Is anyone familiar with any new procedures?

Also, if guests hear sirens go off, the weather app on their phone indicates a tornado touchdown, and they want to shelter, do we allow them to do so, even if we don't?

We had some severe weather a couple months ago, check with your AP leader. There is a social distance plan for tornadoes. They should have the new map.
does anyone know what Target Policy is on sending cart attendant and drive up Tm's out in a lightning storm. and if so, where on workbench can it be found?
we need a severe volcano procedure… just sayin'

and there are dozens of Targets in direct danger of the lava gods, so ha
The chances of a full blown eruption so bad those Targets will come to harm without the USGS picking up on any pre-eruption signs and giving warning is pretty miniscule. I think stores are safe from the goddess Pele.
Yeh, but when Pele gets pissed........ 😱
And that is why when scientists say that Pele has hit a boiling point and is about to lash out, you go on a long term visit to family in Idaho....even if they are strangers who don't know they are your brand new family.
Leadership at my store says TMs have to take out drive up when it is storming. Even in severe storms.
I've never used drive-up but, if it doesn't, it should have something on the final message guests get saying something to the effect that deliveries to the car may take longer than promised in severe weather conditions (snow storms, lightning storms, etc.). If a TM ever gets struck by lightning doing a drive-up it is going to cost Spot's insurance company millions, in addition to the bad PR it will generate.
I've never used drive-up but, if it doesn't, it should have something on the final message guests get saying something to the effect that deliveries to the car may take longer than promised in severe weather conditions (snow storms, lightning storms, etc.). If a TM ever gets struck by lightning doing a drive-up it is going to cost Spot's insurance company millions, in addition to the bad PR it will generate.
Especially while pushing a lighting magnet. Two tiers, flat beds and a shipping cart.
I've never used drive-up but, if it doesn't, it should have something on the final message guests get saying something to the effect that deliveries to the car may take longer than promised in severe weather conditions (snow storms, lightning storms, etc.). If a TM ever gets struck by lightning doing a drive-up it is going to cost Spot's insurance company millions, in addition to the bad PR it will generate.
Unfortunately it probably won't be until someone is injured that they do something about it...
And volcano forecasting has improved tons in the last 40 years.

Just listen to the USGS when it says leave and don't come back until after the show. Easy peasy.

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