Archived New Team Member unhappy with Tarbux

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Nov 24, 2018
So I was hired seasonally as a cashier, but I made it very evident I want to be kept on. I left my full time job to work here. I’ve only been working for two weeks, but thus far I’ve been trained on cashiering, hardlines, softlines, shipping/drive ups, backstocking, and later this week I’ll be doing inbound and visual merchandising. I really feel I’ve made a great impression picking things up with little training. I’ve been called in every other day to come in, which I am grateful for because I love the hours and am really hoping I get offered a full time position. Always show up on time/stay later etc.
Now my issue arose today, when I was called in to cover a shift at Starbucks that someone had called out of. When I got there the member was saying the lead was thinking about putting me there permanently which was new knowledge to me. I tried my best, but I felt extremely uncomfortable and unhappy. I felt like I had passed every other test asked of me until I got to Starbucks and was overwhelmed and failing. My old job was food service and it dipped me deep into depression the longer I stayed there so that’s ultimately why I chose to quit and pursue Target. I was feeling that same way at Starbucks today. The girl I was with was super nice and kept saying how big of a help I was and not to worry because I wasn’t being practically trained yet...So long story short I know this isn’t for me. Doing dishes again, taking extremely particular orders, wearing a hat are all things I left my old job for. I know barristaing it is an amazing skill to have and proper training would score me more hours, but I was holding back tears this whole shift. I have loved every other position I’ve been thrown in, but this was not for me.
So at the end of the night my LOD asked how it went and I said “It went okay.” He then asked if I wanted to train more over here to which I replied, “I definitely want to learn the whole store, so I can help cover shifts and get hours, but this was the most overwhelmed and uncomfortable I’ve felt with anything.”
So I’m really worried I’ll hate my job if I get stuck at Starbucks full time or I won’t be kept after the season unless I take a Starbucks position. I’ve made really good impressions all around and have worked my butt off to be great, but I don’t think I’ll be happy or succeed if I’m at Tarbux. I hope this doesn’t jeopardize my future at Target and getting a full time position.
Thoughts? Encouragement?
Definitely tell your ETL about your concern or you might also have to have a conversation with HR to get this sorted out. Please do it sooner rather than later, because if they actually try to move you over to Sbux permanently it’ll be harder to get out of after the fact. You have every right to feel this way, just because you are seasonal and want to get kept on doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your own well-being for Target - I know exactly what you are going through because it happened to me. (I left a former food service job because I hated it, started working at Target and felt forced to work at Starbucks because I wanted to make a good impression even though it made me feel uncomfortable.) Aside from anything else, you are also not supposed to be behind the counter at Starbucks without proper food safety/barista training. This is not safe for you or the guests.

You seem to be very concerned about keeping your job and are working hard to make sure that happens, so I wish you the best of luck. Definitely wish we had more people like you at my store. :)
Spot has a miraculous knack of trying to put square pegs into round holes, like they have radar that allows them to know who would hate which position so they can assign them there. Let your TL know that you don’t want to work In Starbucks and hope for the best. I hope it works out well for you.😁🍀
Team Leads are the only full time positions.
You may get full time hours but that is subject to change, even if you are cross trained.
Yes, I meant to say full time as in being hired past the holidays. Though have managed to get 35-40 hours by shift covering.
Just tell your TL that you're not interested in working that particular work center. If they press for details, tell them that you've already had enough of that sort of work and you hired in at Target to do something different. And you enjoy doing the "something different" too.
If they have an ounce of sense - no guarantee there - they'll put in work centers where you'll not dread going to work every day.
Definitely talk to your ETL and let them know you don't want Starbucks. Don't let them put you there just because you're trying to be a team player. You already know you'll hate and you'll just be back on here in a few weeks asking how to quit or transfer. Trust me: Your leadership would much rather you tell them know how much you dislike it rather than waste the hours training you and counting on you to be there only to turn around and have you ask to be moved.
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