Archived New Terming Process

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Has anyone else's store transitioned from STL and ETL doing the firing to only the HRBP doing firings? Our STL alleges there was a change and he is no longer made aware of when firings will occur. Our HRBP will just show up one day, pull the STL and termed team member into the office and fire them. I also heard it through the grapevine that final warnings are issued by the HRBP as well, not sure of the validity of that statement.
I can see them partnering with the HRBP and maybe it being handled more at that level but no, it makes no sense at all to pass over store operations like that.
Like what though your were termed for mid conduct not vibeing or what.
It happened after our APTL was arrested... not sure if that is correlation or causation though. We have a fairly high turn-over rate (roughly 1 team member termed every two weeks at a ULV). The last two termings were handled by our HRBP on Sunday and today, looking forward to possibly more firings tomorrow!
I'm going to guess it's related to the aptl being arrested and cleaning house, or just the sheer number of people being termed for a ulv store. Send in hrbp to make sure nothing gets said that could bite you in the ass later...
That makes no sense a stl
Is a store Manger they should do the fireing.
What do they say when they give you the axe.

The STL and ETL-HR hold a séance, conjuring up spirits of Target past. They chant a spooky, gibberish-sounding Satanic spell which the HRBP concurs with, also in gibberish, over the phone. At this exact moment, you become officially terminated as an employee of Target Corp and everyone in the room cackles wildly.

It's all very elaborate and dastardly.
The STL and ETL-HR hold a séance, conjuring up spirits of Target past. They chant a spooky, gibberish-sounding Satanic spell which the HRBP concurs with, also in gibberish, over the phone. At this exact moment, you become officially terminated as an employee of Target Corp and everyone in the room cackles wildly.

It's all very elaborate and dastardly.

Pretty sure Led Zepplin made a song about this before it happened.
HRBP (theoretically) specializes in knowing local laws and guidelines that must be met. Ridiculous as it may seem, and depending on locality some terms will end up in unemployment claims or even an employee taking the employer to court and having their job reinstated. The list of terms I am personally aware of with extensive evidence that have fallen into either of these categories would make a person sick. This includes sexual harassment, unsafe work practices, theft, or grazing with captured video evidence, sometimes even amounting to multiple write ups in these instances for the same practice.

As much work as it would be to have every case go past, it can save the company lawsuits and more down the line.
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