I'm Lost! New TSS unpderperfoming, help!

May 5, 2020
Hi all, I'm new to the target team and just started my first day over a week ago. So I realize I came in at a bad time, with covid 19 still on the rise it's been a stressful time for everyone. I used to work as a loss prevention supervisor over at kohls but since kohls is not an essential business and since I don't know when kohls will reopen, I ended up having to look for another job. I wanted to work in undercover assets protection but from what I've heard target likes to hire internally, so I had no other choice but to stick with a TSS postion.

At my old job I was on the cameras frequently and working undercover so now that I'm not undercover I have been struggling to adjust to targets guidelines vs kohls AP guidelines. I realize it has only been a week but I feel as if I'm not recieving adequate enough training from my supervisor who is an APS or my trainer who is a TSS. The APS is hardly ever in the office so I don't usually get to ask her questions like I'd like to. On top of that she hardly gives me any feedback on how I've been doing at the moment. How could she if she's never in? When she is in I ask for feedback on how to improve in my performance but all she responds with is "you'll get better eventually". Which doesn't seem assuring at all. It would help if she were able to provide me with some information on how to increase my productivity in order to move up in the ranks.

I'm currently shadowing/training with a TSS member who has been with target for 2 years. He's good at what he does but is very laid back. Almost too laid back. What I mean is that he does audits really slowly and doesn't receipt check very often when he's on front lines. I've been trying to receipt check whenever I'm on the floor and notice anything suspicious but my supervisor tells me I'm not checking receipts enough. I'm just confused as to what my expectations are because this whole training process has been a mess and not organized in the slightest. I'm extremely overwhelmed already with covid 19 going on and that I'm working in an environment that's too lax to the point where I'm learning at an extremely slow pace.

I'll be taken off of training this Sunday and I worry that my performance will not be up to speed if I'm not recieving adequate enough training. I want to speak with my supervisor about this but she's hardly in the office so I'm not sure when I will get to speak with her next. Is there someone else I can speak to about my situation? I really want to move my way up the ladder in a supervisory postion with AP but am worried that my performance won't be up to speed in order to do so. Thanks all for reading, sorry for the novel!

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