Archived Newly Hired

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Dec 2, 2018
Hi; I’m a newly hired GSTL. Been with Spot for about a month and I here people saying you can use your MyDevice to get request from registers how does this work? Like which app and how would I use it. Normally cashiers just use there light because the Help button brings them to a white screen for 10 seconds.

I would love to use this future though.
If you are logged into a mydevice, go into the MyAlerts app, it’ll say select which alerts you want to receive and you’ll pick guest experience and GSTL alerts (assuming you’re a GSTL). It’ll show you whenever a cashier requests change for their register (including what kind of change they need and which register) and will also show you if a cashier makes a large price change on an item or if they have an idle transaction at their register which probably means they need help. The actual Help button on the register is outdated and tends to crash the register so I don’t encourage using it, but those alerts would also show up if you have GSTL alerts enabled in MyAlerts. The options under the help button include asking for a pen, asking for more plastic bags, asking for help cleaning up a spill, there’s one called “get GSA/GSTL,” etc.

Also - welcome!
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