Archived noobie

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freshmeat/new team member
Apr 20, 2013
Hi peeps i just got hired at target as a cashier.... so how do i go about selling those red card thingys?

Oh and it's nice to talk to you all
Welcome to Target and The Break Room!

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Regarding Red Cards: Despite the fact that I'm mostly a cashier, I've never been good with selling Red Cards, so I'll let someone else do the honors.

GSTLs, GSAs (current and former), Electronics TMs, All-Star Cashiers - are your ears on?
Check the threads under "General Target Chat".
Find someone who's good at getting redcards then listen & learn. Practice on a co-worker if necessary until it feels comfortable.
Points to remember:
-There's a credit card (aka "redcard") & a debit card
-Both save you 5% every time you use them
-1% of either card use goes to the school of your choice (public, private, charter, religious - as long as the school is enrolled in Take Charge of Education/TCOE)
-The debit card works with the guests' acct (blank check is needed to process the app), no need to open a new acct
-Credit card can be paid at the service desk
-Use either card at for free shipping
-Use either card & your receipt expiration date is extended
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