Archived ok guys if I am on the 2 weeks out schedule I will be at target 90 days

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Apr 5, 2015
Who do I go to get cross trained to flow I am a cart attendant and the etl of ge does not like me she puts me on nights Monday thru Sat but at the same time she says your are best cart I try to move up on paygrade to transfer different workcenter or ask to be crosstrained need help
First off, punctuation is your friend.
Very hard to read your post but here goes: Unless there's an opening in another workcenter, you won't get far.
You might talk to other TLs about training in their areas so you can be 'global' (also helps you get more hrs).
If you've helped once or twice on SF, see if you can pick up shifts from the swap board.
These are opps for you to shine so you'll be noticed by other TLs who, in turn, will want you on their team.
We had several stellar CAs but they almost always got snapped up by other depts.
You might also talk to your ETL-GE about getting more than just closing shifts.
If she doesn't budge, you might talk to your ETL-HR but your better bet is to get noticed by other depts.
Help out inside the store as much as possible. Say Hi to the TLs on the sales floor every day. Make yourself seen working hard. Ask TLs if they have any extra shifts that you could pick up. Sales Floor is relatively easy. Specialty teams you will have to work up to. In my store there are ALWAYS people calling out for flow. Talk directly with the flow TL and be available on short notice. If they get a call out they might call you in.
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