Archived On the TLOD list as a TM?

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May 24, 2013
I walked into TSC today and found that my name was on the TLOD schedule even though I'm only a TM. I know my leaders are extremely interested in me becoming a TL and work with me on my development constantly. I'm sure if anyone has had this happen in the past or if you have some recommendations for how I can stand out of the crowd and gain some power stories.
I talked to my ETL and apparently they're going to have me start leading huddle and a few other things. Anyone have any suggestions to help me stand out?
Candy and Research, there's nothing wrong with this. They are obviously developing him for the position. If they have him leading huddles and in the TLOD rotation then it's pretty much a done deal. They wouldn't do that to someone they didn't see as moving up. Perhaps they want him to be a little more outgoing, or gain a larger scope, or whatever his opps are.
Leading huddle was actually a lot of fun. Our STL, ETL-HR and, ETL SL/GE were there too so I couldn't keep it under 10 minutes haha. I've been the unofficial backroom day team lead for awhile no, pulling detail reports, empty location audits, partnering with other team leads on resets and other special projects, etc. It's just nice to finally be recognized for the work with serious development. That being said, I wish they would schedule my TLOD rotations for shifts where there's another person in the backroom.
That's a great sign, BG! They want to see success before they develop and move you up and taking on additional tasks with enthusiasm is a must. Disregard those who look upon doing TL tasks as a TM as bad thing. That's the wrong mindset to have. I did work well outside of my paygrade and was able to demonstrate my scope and affected on the store. It's helped me get the support from leadership to move straight from TM to SrTL in about a year. Show them you can do the job and you will earn your way up.
Unfortunately all we have open right now is GSTL and Price Accuracy. I enjoy the physical aspect for working in the backroom and I'm not sure how much I would enjoy either of those. I might just get benched for now until something else becomes available.
Price Accuracy just seems a little boring. I'm not sure if I would actually enjoy the work.
I thought the same exact thing but its A very challenging position. You work in every workcenter, you have to be a great planner. Believe me there is more to it than just scanning items and putting on of all you get a steady schedule!
Price Accuracy just seems a little boring. I'm not sure if I would actually enjoy the work.
Price Accuracy is so far from boring! I've never been a TL in another department but I know my job is a daily challenge. It does take a lot of planning.
Price Accuracy TL all the way! go for it. You'll spend half (joking) your time in the backroom anyway marking clearance.. LOL.. and you'll know how to look in the computer for clearance or discontinued items backstocked so you can find the problem items that don't show up! My PATL is amazing. She keeps all of our clearance on track and organized! It could really help you in the long run learning a new workcenter. It could put you on track to becoming A Sr. TL .. My PATL is a Sr. and her position didn't even require a degree and she gets payed great..
Leading huddle was actually a lot of fun. Our STL, ETL-HR and, ETL SL/GE were there too so I couldn't keep it under 10 minutes haha. I've been the unofficial backroom day team lead for awhile no, pulling detail reports, empty location audits, partnering with other team leads on resets and other special projects, etc. It's just nice to finally be recognized for the work with serious development. That being said, I wish they would schedule my TLOD rotations for shifts where there's another person in the backroom.

It is great that they have already begun to put you in those roles. They obviously see potential and want to use it. While i agree that immediate skepticism is a bad mindset in the position you are in, be cautious.

You don't want to be stuck doing TL roles (essentially performing above you station so the one who should be doing the work doesn't have to) for too long. I have seen a situation where someone was told they would be advancing and until then they should get some experience. That person ended up getting experience for two years before calling BS.

If you exec has not talked to you directly (or even is they have) about moving forward, just politely ask how you start the interview process for TL. This will tell them that you are comfortable with the duties you have been given and that you want to move ahead with the process.
Also consider GSTL, if you don't like dealing with guests constantly it might not be a good idea but a front end that perform admirably will directly correlate with the leaders there and will show the team what you are doing.
PATL! I was a PATL before they combined the PA/POG teams at my store and it was my favorite position. If your PA team isn't all-stars (mine are), it can be incredibly challenging. If they are all-stars, it's still challenging, but you're not constantly trying to "fix" the workcenter.
I walked into TSC today and found that my name was on the TLOD schedule even though I'm only a TM. I know my leaders are extremely interested in me becoming a TL and work with me on my development constantly. I'm sure if anyone has had this happen in the past or if you have some recommendations for how I can stand out of the crowd and gain some power stories.

Congrats! It's good to hear I'm not the only one in a situation like this. I was made "Captain" of my store's Flow Team and I'm going to lead Flow when my TL isn't there, beginning tomorrow. I've only been there 2 and a half months, so I'm a bit skeptical of my abilities, but my TL and ETL are talking development like it's going out of style, so it can't be bad. My advice is to go for it and show them you deserve the responsiblity. Just gives them more motivation to promote you.
TLOD's at my store check and clear SDA, PVC, lead huddle, and lead the zone.

Since I am a GSTL and stick close to the lanes, I'll handle SDA, PVC, huddle, but someone else (usually a brand attendant or the LOD) will lead the zone.
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