Archived Open Shifts On Kronos

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Furniture, Call Button One
Oct 13, 2017
If my store has a ton of unassigned shifts on Kronos, but they won't let anyone pick them up, would that be because they're trying to come in under payroll? There seem to be like 50+ hours per week that are unassigned, but when I tried to pick up a 4hr cashier shift that was on there, I was told that we weren't allowed unless another TM was trying to give it away. Seems like a lot of wasted hours, even for trying to make payroll...
From whqt my clerical tm tells me they are often auto generated shifts that dont actually fit into payroll. She tries to delete thsm when they generate usually after the newest schedule is posted. I trust her at least she isnt into the kool aid yet
I used to see these "automated shifts" when Kronosmobile" began. Needless to say these shifts are non existent now. I'm guessing like @aronoiiel said they have been deleted.
What I find weird though is shifts will show up well after the intended start time. So a flow shift shows up at 8 but the start time was 4.
has anyone else notices you have to hit create a new request then back out before you can see the open requests? am I doing something wrong?
the open shifts are accidental, they generate every schedule and your supposed to delete them all. In the perfect world of kronos, the open shifts are entered for what you need filled, and a tm picks it up. But since etls need to be sure the shifts are all covered by post, they find the free tms before hand. The shifts dont mean there are hours, it just means people forgot to delete them. They also accidental get generated when a tm with shifts is termed, or when someone deletes shifts with the "unassigned function"
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