Archived Overnight Backroom TL vs Market TL?

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That BackroomGuy

Resigned Fulfillment TL
Jul 24, 2017
As the title suggests, recently offered 2 TL positions, but one is at a different store. What are the pros and cons of each TL position? Which one do you guys think is better?
Gosh... I’m not to familiar with overnight but from what I’ve seen it’s easier to run market (consumables only - not Cafe/Market/SBUX). I know some Market TLa oversee all 3 so id find out if that would happen.
Backroom tl all the way don’t do food you’ll still do the same duties as backroom just with higher pay definitely better don’t listen to the others even with overnight gone better than being on the floor having to “guest service” unless that’s something you like doing we have lots of tms people friendly.
Starbucks is staying, so far. Food ave, not certain.
If you already do backroom, then overnight BRTL is hands down better. The hardest part will be building up the culture and connecting with the team to make sure you can get them to get everything done and done correctly.

I know a BRTL and as long as you have a solid team and can handle overnights, it’s easy.
As the title suggests, recently offered 2 TL positions, but one is at a different store. What are the pros and cons of each TL position? Which one do you guys think is better?
Overnight is the way to go. Like someone else said you need to have a culture with the team to get things done. However that will be your team and you should observe at first, because Im telling you they know how things run. I trust my team to do all they autofills and backstock without me or a ETL log around then.
Gosh... I’m not to familiar with overnight but from what I’ve seen it’s easier to run market (consumables only - not Cafe/Market/SBUX). I know some Market TLa oversee all 3 so id find out if that would happen.
Our store currently has 2 TLs for market, one focuses strictly on dry market, while the other focuses in on more produce. Do you have any additional experiences with market?
Take Dry Market, unless you think you can adjust to the overnight schedule.
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