Archived PAPR Problems

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Backroom/Instocks TL
Feb 14, 2016
So my store is having a problem with PAPR pulling. The SF will be empty but 11 oclocks will pull 2 DPCIs. Everything is on location counts are correct but the damn thing wont pull. We are having to use "get more" to fill the floor.

Also Side note my PAPR is ridiculously full like 18+ pallets. Really frustrating to backstock every truck day...
What about trying to LOCU and then sto the product back?

I just learned that when you LOCU and store it while in LOCU, the product won't pull.
What about trying to LOCU and then sto the product back?

I just learned that when you LOCU and store it while in LOCU, the product won't pull.
Nope only time we do that is when we have accuracy issues. Also we don't re-sto using LOCU, actually go into STO to backstock
So my store is having a problem with PAPR pulling. The SF will be empty but 11 oclocks will pull 2 DPCIs. Everything is on location counts are correct but the damn thing wont pull. We are having to use "get more" to fill the floor.

Also Side note my PAPR is ridiculously full like 18+ pallets. Really frustrating to backstock every truck day...
I'll take some off your hands i have the opposite problem. I have maybe 6 pallets in the back, with a almost empty floor. Hopefully we get a shit ton on the bext truck.
Capacity, and triggers what are they set at? Thinking trigger is to high and capacity is off. And are you sure nothing is mispicked? How we end up with lots in the back but an empty floor.
SFQ will fix this problem... Sounds like the system thinks the floor is full. If you use the my device and scan an empty location on the sales floor, you'll be able to see how many the "system" thinks are on the floor. When you scan that out on the floor and the system says anything but zero, you need to update the Sales Floor Quantity.
Capacity and/or "on floor" counts are probably wrong, or someone is burning or just not pulling what it asks for (but saying they did). In the case they said they pulled 12 but only pulled 2, it will never re-pull because it will never hit the trigger, until you shoot it in Research or GetMore. Look at the CAF monitor at the end of the day, I'll bet the "actual time" in PAPR is way lower than the expected time. If they're pulling correctly it would be the opposite cause paper is a pain to pull.
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Capacity, and triggers what are they set at? Thinking trigger is to high and capacity is off. And are you sure nothing is mispicked? How we end up with lots in the back but an empty floor.

How do I check triggers. I think that might be the issues but I will verify SFQ when I'm in the store. No mispicks and also we detrash all the PIPOs and scan the actual product.

Is someone burning batches? Are capacities correct?

No we have a very firm no burning batches. Instant PDD unless it was communicated to burn the batch.

Also I found out today that the reason we have so much paper is because we were labeled as a "in with the new" I think it's called. The new rollout where you bring PIPO pallets straight to the floor and park them. BUT we are not a store like that yet. Gotta love those mistakes but we just need sell the product and we will be back to normal.
How do I check triggers. I think that might be the issues but I will verify SFQ when I'm in the store. No mispicks and also we detrash all the PIPOs and scan the actual product.

No we have a very firm no burning batches. Instant PDD unless it was communicated to burn the batch.

Also I found out today that the reason we have so much paper is because we were labeled as a "in with the new" I think it's called. The new rollout where you bring PIPO pallets straight to the floor and park them. BUT we are not a store like that yet. Gotta love those mistakes but we just need sell the product and we will be back to normal.

Our store is like that. Our seasonal right now just has some pallets of paper towls/gatorade/water and such, with a bunch of miscellaneous high-selling products on the shelves.
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