Pay as a TL in certain markets

Feb 18, 2017
I am a vet of spot, 14 years as of September. I'm a newish in role PML (11 months). Loving the switch so far. When I first got the position, I was at store about 20 minutes from my home. The position that opened up is now roughly a 45-minute drive, which isn't terrible for where I live. I was already a TL, so it was a lateral move. As I got to know other leaders in my new building, I was finding out that some of them were already making more than me, while only being with the company for a couple of years, and that new hired on TLs (depending on experience) would start off at a rate higher than me. I understand discussing pay is a no no, but the cat is out of the bag. I was told that it is the market that we are in. My store is in a suburb of a fast-growing city. It's odd, because I am in the "market" as well. I transferred, yes, but I don't think it was considered.
I received my annual review, basically maxed out everything as an outstanding, which was a 5% merit increase but it didn't feel like it when I saw the dollar amount of my raise. I built my case and went to HR and BPs about it and asked for a potential raise about 6 months later. PM's have 1000 more responsibilities and things under their umbrella than a GM TL has. I know because I've been one. They pretty much told me that I would only get a raise once a year. I never brought up why other TLs make more than me. I really enjoy my position, but really feel like I am getting the short end of the stick. I've improved the stores assets, improved all metrics, and have had great visits with BPs and higher ups. Being tenured means nothing anymore in terms of being taken care of. Anyone have any insight or maybe have been in a similar situation?
I am a vet of spot, 14 years as of September. I'm a newish in role PML (11 months). Loving the switch so far. When I first got the position, I was at store about 20 minutes from my home. The position that opened up is now roughly a 45-minute drive, which isn't terrible for where I live. I was already a TL, so it was a lateral move. As I got to know other leaders in my new building, I was finding out that some of them were already making more than me, while only being with the company for a couple of years, and that new hired on TLs (depending on experience) would start off at a rate higher than me. I understand discussing pay is a no no, but the cat is out of the bag. I was told that it is the market that we are in. My store is in a suburb of a fast-growing city. It's odd, because I am in the "market" as well. I transferred, yes, but I don't think it was considered.
I received my annual review, basically maxed out everything as an outstanding, which was a 5% merit increase but it didn't feel like it when I saw the dollar amount of my raise. I built my case and went to HR and BPs about it and asked for a potential raise about 6 months later. PM's have 1000 more responsibilities and things under their umbrella than a GM TL has. I know because I've been one. They pretty much told me that I would only get a raise once a year. I never brought up why other TLs make more than me. I really enjoy my position, but really feel like I am getting the short end of the stick. I've improved the stores assets, improved all metrics, and have had great visits with BPs and higher ups. Being tenured means nothing anymore in terms of being taken care of. Anyone have any insight or maybe have been in a similar situation?
They love to screw over the more tenured tms and leads. If your under the base of what they would hire a new tl for you should get a bump. I'm at a similar time frame as you but I am definitely barely over a new hires pay with the most recent pay bump we got. There's a store in my district that pays almost 5 dollars more an hour base then my store. Also it is almoat criminal how they make it seem like discussing pay is bad. You can't discuss other people's pay but you can definitely speak to your own.
I am a vet of spot, 14 years as of September. I'm a newish in role PML (11 months). Loving the switch so far. When I first got the position, I was at store about 20 minutes from my home. The position that opened up is now roughly a 45-minute drive, which isn't terrible for where I live. I was already a TL, so it was a lateral move. As I got to know other leaders in my new building, I was finding out that some of them were already making more than me, while only being with the company for a couple of years, and that new hired on TLs (depending on experience) would start off at a rate higher than me. I understand discussing pay is a no no, but the cat is out of the bag. I was told that it is the market that we are in. My store is in a suburb of a fast-growing city. It's odd, because I am in the "market" as well. I transferred, yes, but I don't think it was considered.
I received my annual review, basically maxed out everything as an outstanding, which was a 5% merit increase but it didn't feel like it when I saw the dollar amount of my raise. I built my case and went to HR and BPs about it and asked for a potential raise about 6 months later. PM's have 1000 more responsibilities and things under their umbrella than a GM TL has. I know because I've been one. They pretty much told me that I would only get a raise once a year. I never brought up why other TLs make more than me. I really enjoy my position, but really feel like I am getting the short end of the stick. I've improved the stores assets, improved all metrics, and have had great visits with BPs and higher ups. Being tenured means nothing anymore in terms of being taken care of. Anyone have any insight or maybe have been in a similar situation?
There is no tenure at target. Did you start off as a tl higher than tl starting pay?
You can increase your TL pay if you have experience and show you have the experience but that is done at the beginning when you are first promoted to TL. Same as above. There is no reward for staying with Target. I have seen new TLs start a little over $19 who have been w Target as TMs and new TLs, who maybe start at Target as a TM but with the expectation that they be advanced, they are within 2 to 3 months of start date and are at $25. Then, I have seen the same with ETLs. Really pays to come in new as a TL or ETL for pay. What I also will say is I know very few leaders who have been at Target for a long time, so that also should tell you something. If they are a TL or ETL with a decade plus of experience, especially if a SD, they typically have no desire to move up. They have aced the metrics and just want to stay put....
You can increase your TL pay if you have experience and show you have the experience but that is done at the beginning when you are first promoted to TL. Same as above. There is no reward for staying with Target. I have seen new TLs start a little over $19 who have been w Target as TMs and new TLs, who maybe start at Target as a TM but with the expectation that they be advanced, they are within 2 to 3 months of start date and are at $25. Then, I have seen the same with ETLs. Really pays to come in new as a TL or ETL for pay. What I also will say is I know very few leaders who have been at Target for a long time, so that also should tell you something. If they are a TL or ETL with a decade plus of experience, especially if a SD, they typically have no desire to move up. They have aced the metrics and just want to stay put....
Great points however if you have been a TL for a long time you are getting expensive especially when it comes to things like vacation.

Any TL thinks that Target wouldn't dump them to save $3 an hour is naive.
If the difference is 1-2$ I would let it go. PM is a great gig regardless of minute pay difference..
I appreciate y'all. I have a better perspective now; I had a nice talk with a tenured PML in my district about this and he gave me great advice. Along with what everyone else said, I was focused on the wrong thing and appreciate my position more now than what I was. There is still SOME store BS I have to deal with, but nothing comes close to when I was wearing red. Turnover is crazy at my store, especially with leaders so that minute pay difference really means nothing if no one even wants to stay.
You should be getting at least the base PG45 pay (what new TLs would get) at your location regardless of if you made less at your previous location. If they have transferred you but your rate has not gone up to at least the new base, you need to engage your PMBP and HR again. You can get pay increases from transferring (due to base pay) but it will never decrease unless you're demoted.

You can view the base pay by going to Workday and typing your location number in.

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