PFN- routines


Aug 2, 2017
Hey everyone! I recently did the Q3 PFN training-- (not) shockingly enough, I never did the past two for Q1 and Q2 (my store has been going through... *it*) so I was a little lost on a few things they were talking about.

One of the things they were talking about and something we have 'homework' for is to write out weekly, monthly, and quarterly routines. And I am so lost on what to put. I know what routines I do every week (as a GM/POS TL) but for monthly and quarterly I am at a loss for words, quite literally.

Has anyone gone through this or have some insight on routines to put down? Like, I know what routines I do but putting in words from my brain to paper is not working out.
Empty locations report for monthly routine.
Checking in with TMs on their availability/ desired hours/ planned time off as a quarterly routine