Archived Pregnant during 90 days

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Aug 31, 2013
Hi! I'm new to Target and found out I'm pregnant. I'd like to keep this job and I'm working hard to do my best even though I'm pregnant and it's a bit difficult. If I have to take a leave shortly after my 90 days is up, will they let's come back? When should I talk to hr or whoever I need to? When I was hired I was not showing but it's obvious now. I really like it here so I'd like to stay. I planned on trying to move up so that's why I ask. I'm primarily a hardlines tm. I never call out and get decent hours. Thanks for the input!
Welcome to The Break Room.
As HLM said let them know right away and see what you can work out.
I've seen may team members return after maternity leave, especially if you're a good worker. Make it all official though. Talk to HR about Maternity leave.
And at my store they've actually provided a stool for pregnant cashiers.
At my stores, they provided chairs/stools when working SD/cashier. Or they worked shifts at fitting rooms or helped with Clerical.
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