Archived Quitting Tomorrow

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Oct 22, 2013
Hi, everyone. I've been stalking this forum for awhile now but finally joined so that I could share my Target experience here on the Happy Trails thread. I (think I) am quitting tomorrow. I am currently an HR assistant. Two years ago this week I started as a seasonal hardlines TM, then went to softlines, then went to instocks, and now HR (with lots of other cross-training in-between). I recognize how great it has been that Target has invested in my development and recognized what I have been contributing, but all of this has changed very, very quickly.

It has been 15 days since the ETL-HR openly discriminated against an applicant I suggested.

It has been 11 days since I confronted her about it.

Ever since, I have been physically sick from the stress and dreading work. While I have a few opportunities appearing, it seems I have to jump ship before another job is lined up. I know that even an hour's notice to my manager of my resignation would lead to an hour of hell, based on how she has handled the situation. Therefore, I know that when I leave (if it's not tomorrow), I cannot give a notice. I would love nothing more than to go to the EEOC about it, but I do not have enough proof to move forward. I know an internal investigation would merely serve in her favor. I am completely distraught at having to leave a job I have loved for almost two years, but I draw the line at having to keep Tums in my purse and being unable to sleep because my boss literally makes me sick.

I've thought about how I would leave since reading the "Go Out With a BANG!" thread, and I think the "best" way to leave without hurting my team is to schedule as many interviews as I can for an HR TM position that mysteriously opened. :spiteful: As for why tomorrow, she will be gone on vacation until Monday so that leaves plenty of time for stuff to pile up. Mwahahaha.

(I did just notice that she works later than me tomorrow, so I will deal my cards on Friday I suppose. I think I may requisition several hundred dollars worth of food for my awesome team.)
Welcome! A few questions:
Have you spoken to your stl? Did you document events well? Can you transfer to another store? Have you been written up?
Insiteful, we need some stl insight here.
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I understand the instinct to to bail and it may be the best thing for you.
However you have invested a great deal of time in this job, unless you have a backup plan I wouldn't recommend your plan.
You do understand that you won't be able to get unemployment?
So unless you have another job or a partner with a really good job, these are going to be tough times.

The hotline is an option, and yes it could bounce back on you but it would be worth it to make the ETL HR life difficult.
If she is the smeghead you say she deserves all the pain you can throw her way.
So file the EEOC complaint, you can do it by fax to your local office.

Tell you STL why you are quitting like HLM said, make it clear that this is an issue that will rebound on Spot.
Be cool and calm but make it clear that you will be following up.
There has to be repercussions.

Oh and welcome to The Break Room.
Sorry it had to be under these circumstances.
So, my store isn't the only one that has a despicable excuse for a human being as an ETL-HR... Ours is ALWAYS talking smack about TMs, just sitting there at the TMSC, for anyone and everyone to hear, complaining about certain people, joking with a Team Lead about a TM who called off that day because their dog died, etc. Oh, and you should hear them sit there and talk about the applicants they just interviewed. Very professional. I would take it a step further and call the employee relations hotline. Whether you quit or not, definitely report this person to somebody.
This issue with unprofessional etls is a pervasive occurance as of late. Mine is making my days hell, so I sympathize with anyone who has to deal directly with an etl instead of a TL.

I too have been entertaining the desire to cut and run. I am embarrassed that Target is mistreating tm an applicants. My stl is part of the problem though.

My answer. For me I am tying a knot and holding on. At least for the next shift. I am doing my job as best I can. The hotline notifies the store very quickly, so I will save that for now.

If you can find other work or live without the paycheck, good deal.
If not... there will always be difficulty in workplaces. Many personalities, motivations, and crap. You'll find the same yahoo with a different face.

I don't like that answer. But it's true. You can pm me if you'd like. Peace
Go to your STL. STL's are the only way to deal with HR issues. Based on what you are saying, I'm sure he/she won't be surprised what you are telling him/her.

Before I left we had a complete idiot of an HR. Non stop complaints did not go anywhere and her never ending screw ups did not effect her because she was boning the also incompetant STL. Quite a pair they made.
I would suggest you take Annie up on her offer to PM her.
She is smart and really knows her stuff.
If anybody can help she can.
It has been 15 days since the ETL-HR openly discriminated against an applicant I suggested.

It has been 11 days since I confronted her about it.

Failure to hire discrimination can be the HARDEST type of discrimination to prove. Simply put, there usually isn't enough documentation to prove discrimination and it's easy enough to just say, "Well, they didn't interview well, answer the questions well, more experience/qualified applicant, etc."

Most EEOC investigations go no where. Best that will come of this is something on the news/newspaper about "discrimination allegations" which will promptly be dismissed by corporate.
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