Archived Random questions!!

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Jan 10, 2019
Hi everyone this is my first post here so forgive me if this isn't the correct thread!! But I just have several very random questions that I'll have throughout the day but I never remember to ask when I'm at work lol.

- How can I find out when my store is having their remodel done, or even IF they're getting one?
- Do you have to be a TL or above to have an email account?
- What were the hours that had to be used up by the end of the year?? I'm not sure if you had to use up your sick hours or vacation hours? Or are those the same thing??
- Can the ETL's zoom in/listen in on conversations through the cameras? That's a weird question but I have a work friend who has a whole conspiracy about that lmfao, just wondering if it's true or not!
- My STL is a stickler for doing audit for the lows and outs, what do you guys consider lows?? I work in Beauty so maybe it's different for each department but me and a couple of my coworkers skip anything that's clearance or if it has 2 or more items
- This is more of a rant than a question lol but does any of your stores blame whoever's closing at Guest Services for any leftover reshop?? I work at the Service Desk every now and then and I usually close. I always make sure to call out and announce reshop, especially when closing time comes around. But if the reshop cart isn't empty, I get talked to, which makes no sense. I don't get in trouble or anything but it's annoying how I get spoken to about something that isn't my job. I'll announce it 10 times if I have to, but if the closer in a department isn't coming up, then that said TM should be talked to, not whoever is at Guest Services. I have a lot to do at night, and I shouldn't feel like I have to literally bring up the reshop for a different department because they won't get it themselves lol
- This is probably a dumb question BUTTT what is the difference between: sales planner, endcap, POG, planogram?? Everyone at my stores interchanges those words so much that now I don't know what they are, or if they're the same thing lol.
- For the vacation hours, how often does your average hours update? Because Ive been working close to 40 hours for the past 4 weeks and it still has my average hours as like 26.5
- As you all may know, each department has to do their own pricing now, but I haven't really been formally trained on that yet. I just took over doing clearance pricing for my coworker a couple of times, but that's it lol. How does pricing work?? What are the basics??

I think those are all the questions I can think of right now, but if I have any more then I'll come back here for sure lol thank u to everyone who answers and sorry for the long post!! 🙄
This is a question I've had for such a long time and Im so happy I remembered lmao okay so if my friend bought something at Target and he wanted to write a good review for me using the information on his receipt, would my store know that it was sort of planned?? Or vice versa, if I wrote a good review about myself with a receipt from a purchase I made, would I get in trouble? In shorter terms, how deep do stores typically look into guest reviews?? Would they be able to tell if my mom submitted a good review between a random guest with a good review?
This is another question Im sorry lol

So me and my sister were at Walmart a long time ago and she put an item in her cart, she later put her purse on top on the item (it was just a pack of breast petals so it could be easily overlooked by mistake).

Me and my sister paid for our items separately, but we were sharing the same cart. Before we could leave the store, we were actually approached by the AP person there and we were brought into question in this small room. They had us give them our receipts and they made sure we didn't have any unpaid items in our cart. I was cleared of any theft, but my sister explained that she put her purse on top of the petals and she just forgot she had them under her purse. We weren't arrested or anything but the AP lady said that my sister and I will be put in some kind of database and that if either of us gets caught again, even if it was a mistake like what just happened now, we WILL be arrested. She then said that she's arrested someone for like 4$ and she told us to be careful. This happened like over the summer I think, but I was just wondering if this could ever affect my work life? They asked me where I work when we were questioned and I told them I work at Target, I'm not sure if that information is in the database, but does this "incident" follow me forever? I just don't understand why they put me in the database if I made a totally separate purchase from my sister and everything was paid. Plus it was just a honest mistake, the breast petals are at the most, like 7$.

Anyways, do you think they let my store know about this when it happened? Would this be on my record? Im curious to hear from an AP's point of view, because Im clueless when it comes to stealing at a store and what the protocol is
Ok I will attempt to answer most of these-

1. You can check for remodels on work bench.
2. Only STL, ETL, TLs[AP included], HR, GSAs, and PMTs have emails. I've heard of TMS getting it if the STL warrants it but you'd have to be in a role listed above.
3. Pretty sure sick if you live in CA and wellness hours (cant remember the name?)
4. Leadership isn't supposed to coach off camera. Best professional advice is don't repeat anything you wouldn't want someone to hear or repeat to someone else.
5. Lows- if the item holds 10 snd there's 3 then I'd audit that to check if we have that in the back using an EXF batch
6. Reshop is ASANT as some stores the TMs are responsible for their own reshop. They have to sort and put away. Nothing can be left at Guest Service.
7. Sales Planners are for Endcaps. POG/plannogram is typically a section or several in an aisle.
8. Vacation hours accumulate every pay day. Though you don't accumulate much depending on the length you have worked for Target.
9. Pricing- in the price change app you go around your department using the task list and print the labels. Might even be required to pull the clearance batches and put those out as well.
10. As for the survey- they wont track it unless you have unusual amount of survey mentions but typically not ethical to have friends and family do it.
11. As long as you don't steal then you shouldn't have any issues with AP. If they get wind of your situation at Walmart they might investigate you but will get bored if you aren't stealing.
Ok I will attempt to answer most of these-

1. You can check for remodels on work bench.
2. Only STL, ETL, TLs[AP included], HR, GSAs, and PMTs have emails. I've heard of TMS getting it if the STL warrants it but you'd have to be in a role listed above.
3. Pretty sure sick if you live in CA and wellness hours (cant remember the name?)
4. Leadership isn't supposed to coach off camera. Best professional advice is don't repeat anything you wouldn't want someone to hear or repeat to someone else.
5. Lows- if the item holds 10 snd there's 3 then I'd audit that to check if we have that in the back using an EXF batch
6. Reshop is ASANT as some stores the TMs are responsible for their own reshop. They have to sort and put away. Nothing can be left at Guest Service.
7. Sales Planners are for Endcaps. POG/plannogram is typically a section or several in an aisle.
8. Vacation hours accumulate every pay day. Though you don't accumulate much depending on the length you have worked for Target.
9. Pricing- in the price change app you go around your department using the task list and print the labels. Might even be required to pull the clearance batches and put those out as well.
10. As for the survey- they wont track it unless you have unusual amount of survey mentions but typically not ethical to have friends and family do it.
11. As long as you don't steal then you shouldn't have any issues with AP. If they get wind of your situation at Walmart they might investigate you but will get bored if you aren't stealing.

2. I would add VM and signing TM
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