Archived Rehire possibility?

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May 21, 2014
I deleted the post because it had a lot of specific details about me and my situation.

Thank you for all your replies! It helped me out a lot.
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The one thing I've learned is that "non-rehirable" is just a mouse click in a bubble. If they've called you after they've seen you're non-rehirable then I think it might be a good thing. Just state your case and stick to facts and try not to point fingers. Let them know that you saw what you did wrong and that you're coming to work hard and your attendance will be impeccable......just know that for those 90 days the first time you're late, you call in, or you NCNS might be the nail in the coffin for you at Spot.
How long has it been since you left Target?
Are you looking to be rehired as a team member or a team leader?
If you're looking to be a team member, then I don't see them giving you a hard time.
I've had team members who have Job Abandoned from my store, then rehired at another store in the district.

If you're trying to be hired as a team leader, then it might be tricky. Especially when it comes to talking to the DTL or HR-BP.
I would probably say that I left because I was dealing with personal issues/stress, then emphasize on the regret and how it would be
avoided in the future. I would not blame the other ETL, it might be the actual reason, but it will more than likely come off as a red flag.

If you aren't given a shot, then make the most of your team leader experience and find a similar position at another retail business nearby.
You could be honest that normally works best. My store has a hired back a few tms that were originally listed as non rehirable. As stated above stick to the facts and don't go blaming leadership that def won't help you. Good luck
I left in the beginning of May. I'm looking to be rehired as a team leader, mainly because the distance is way greater and I don't have a car anymore.
As Coby said, the fact that they called you in spite of your nonrehireable status is promising.
A lot will depend on your rapport with your former ETLs & owning up for your poorly-executed departure.
@redndkhaki, it sounds like you are getting another chance at spot because of that Sr. Etl. Regret is not your friend, hopefully you have learn from that mistake. When you go in today for the interview, say I want this job. It would be a great to work with your favorite etl again.
Spot does look the other away on non-rehire status, it because the mgt knows you.
Good luck! Let us know what happens.
Update #1: just finished my meeting. It was rocky at first, but I pulled myself together towards the middle. The STL is interested, but he has to go to the HRBP to address some concerns before proceeding.

I hope I read him right...
Update #1: just finished my meeting. It was rocky at first, but I pulled myself together towards the middle. The STL is interested, but he has to go to the HRBP to address some concerns before proceeding.

I hope I read him right...
Good luck. Let us know how things go.
Update 2: Friend told me that the STL was impressed about our meeting, but says that I need to be more mature and take this opportunity seriously if given another chance. (I agreed with him that the way I quit was completely unprofessional and immature.)
I like the idea, I actually have the contact number of the Sr. ETL that i worked with, I wanted to send that person a thank you message and my appreciation for what she said and did for me.
Update #3: I'm hired! I start immediately, tomorrow actually. Unfortunately, I have to start again as a team member, but that's okay. My previous Sr. ETL said that I will be promoted to a TL position around the end of back to school, before 4th quarter hits. I trust that person more than anyone I've worked with, so I'm leaving everything up to her. I'm glad I got another chance, and I'm excited to be back. Just a few months of this, and hopefully I'll be up in a leadership position again. I'll try to update everyone if and when it happens.
Update #3: I'm hired! I start immediately, tomorrow actually. Unfortunately, I have to start again as a team member, but that's okay. My previous Sr. ETL said that I will be promoted to a TL position around the end of back to school, before 4th quarter hits. I trust that person more than anyone I've worked with, so I'm leaving everything up to her. I'm glad I got another chance, and I'm excited to be back. Just a few months of this, and hopefully I'll be up in a leadership position again. I'll try to update everyone if and when it happens.
Wow! You must have really blown them away with the meeting. What's your current position now?
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