Archived Resignation Advice?

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Jul 29, 2012
Well today I got the call I had been waiting for, medical clearance and official start date for a State Government job I had applied for a while back. I have been a TL for our store for just under a year and it has been a rough month or so at my store (leading into inventory), however that has nothing to do with my wanting to seek this other opportunity. It is in a career field that I can advance and lateral in as my skills grow and do so anywhere in the state.

But I digress,

What I really would like some input on is how to:

A) Request Voluntary Termination paperwork (and the stigma I will receive from the ETL's and fellow TL's)

B ) Informing my direct ETL about my decision to leave.

I will be excluding the STL only because I do not directly report to him, and thus am following the chain of command. Any advice on how to go about doing this process? I know the second I ask for the paperwork, news will break and it will only be a matter of time until everyone knows.
you can tell your ETL, just make sure that you let HR know, we have the paperwork you need, and are much happier when we get to key it on time.

Good luck to you, sniff... another one flies free!
Would it be more respectful to wait to see my ETL to request paperwork?

I was planing on asking for the paperwork the next time I am in, however I know I wont see my ETL for a few more days.
Respectful? Do you really think Target is going to care THAT much that you're leaving? Go to your HR, request the voluntary term paperwork tomorrow (before the new schedule starts being made) and then once it's turned in, pull your ETL aside and casually mention it.
Would it be more respectful to wait to see my ETL to request paperwork?

I was planing on asking for the paperwork the next time I am in, however I know I wont see my ETL for a few more days.

Do it ASAP with any ETL or HR TM you see.

It is honestly not as big a deal as you are making it, trust me.

I have only been gone for a couple months, and when I went into my old store last week I literally only recognized about 20% of the TMs/TLs/ETLs. Literally almost everyone else is new. That is how much turnover there has been. In a year, I bet I will only recognize about 5% of the people at a store I worked at for years.

If you ever see any of the people you worked with again, they will either be gone or not even remember you. You will be surprised.....
I never forget a face, I doubt I wouldn't remember these people. True the turnover is high, but I was waiting for inventory to be over before I did anything. Out of respect, since I know that would have really left my team in a bind.
Too bad Target can't exercise the same courtesy but it's a business.
Sure, they'll grumble but they'll get over it & you'll be headed to something more promising.
Another one set free *sniff* :girl_sad:
Well today I got the call I had been waiting for, medical clearance and official start date for a State Government job I had applied for a while back. I have been a TL for our store for just under a year and it has been a rough month or so at my store (leading into inventory), however that has nothing to do with my wanting to seek this other opportunity. It is in a career field that I can advance and lateral in as my skills grow and do so anywhere in the state.

But I digress,

What I really would like some input on is how to:

A) Request Voluntary Termination paperwork (and the stigma I will receive from the ETL's and fellow TL's)

B ) Informing my direct ETL about my decision to leave.

I will be excluding the STL only because I do not directly report to him, and thus am following the chain of command. Any advice on how to go about doing this process? I know the second I ask for the paperwork, news will break and it will only be a matter of time until everyone knows.
There should be a Volentary Termination form setup at TMSC for you to grab. It basically lets you inform Target when you effective leaving date will be. Then your HR will give you a feedback form/survey to let Target know of your work experience at Target and why you are leaving and if you would come back/refer someone to them, or if there is anyway for them to keep you. Then you will have 90 days from your leaving date to transfer 401k and such.

No need to tell your ETL as HR will inform them. I never mentioned anything about my new job to my ETL until he asked. But for best business practice you might want to write up a letter of resignation to your STL and ETL, if you were on good grounds with them. But since I never liked any of my Execs and didn't care for Target at the end, I never cared to let them know.
I never forget a face, I doubt I wouldn't remember these people. True the turnover is high, but I was waiting for inventory to be over before I did anything. Out of respect, since I know that would have really left my team in a bind.

It is not so much that you will forget them.... it is that when you go back in your store 6 months from now, 50% of the people you worked with will be gone. Another 6 months after that, maybe 5% of the people you worked with will still be there.

You won't understand until you experience it. I walk in my store now (that I had worked at for more years than I can count) a few months after I left, and it is like I had never even been there before. Pretty much no one I worked with (at any level, TM/TL/ETL) is there anymore. It is actually pretty shocking and weird.
I wonder when is not the best time to quit. I am seriously thinking of leaving but wonder if I should not do it during certain times of the year.
I wonder when is not the best time to quit. I am seriously thinking of leaving but wonder if I should not do it during certain times of the year.

If you are going to another retail job, best time quit would be August/September. Would be easy to get another retail job as 4th quarter ramps up....
If you are going to another retail job, best time quit would be August/September. Would be easy to get another retail job as 4th quarter ramps up....

I meant I do not want to leave at a time when I could make a bad impression. That is, for example, it is wise to leave during the holiday season.
I meant I do not want to leave at a time when I could make a bad impression. That is, for example, it is wise to leave during the holiday season.

Honestly, unless you are an ETL (or maybe a TL), I don't think it would matter in that case. The stores continue to run just fun regardless of when someone quits with or without notice.

I think the only way you could make a "bad" impression would be not giving 2 weeks.
Im only leaving 10 days notice, I wish I could leave more but the training for the new job is on the other side of the state and cannot be rescheduled any time soon. What brings more of a pickle is I found my ETL is on vacation, and wouldn't return until AFTER I have finished out my notice period. Any advice on who should receive notice? I already notified our ETL-HR, who is more than supportive of the career change. However I feel like a jerk not being able to tell my ETL face to face, and a phone call on his vacation (well earned might I add) is out of the question.
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