Archived SCARF

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May 26, 2015

Does anyone know the time frame in which an MIR drops and a Store Count Re-Adjustment Form (SCARF) must be generated so that you aren't dinged for MIR completion?

There are times we don't have the full OH's of what an MIR is asking for, and my receiver swears that MIR's only drop on a Tuesday and he has that day only to do a SCARF so that it takes into effect by Monday on Price Change's workload. He refuses to do a SCARF any other day than on Tuesdays. I'm not sure how sound his logic is...if anyone knows better, I'd love to hear!

As far as I know, all MIR's have due dates so I feel as though there's no rush to get a SCARF in specifically every Tuesday unless it was due that day which in that case I understand.
To be honest, this wasn't part of my receiving training (I spent a week with the district trainer too). I was always told that either we have it or we don't. I've used SCARF several times but never in relation to MIRs. I'm not even sure how dynamic the MIR process is in relation to the store's inventory. If a MIR drops on Tuesday and you SCARF a DPCI, would the MIR expect a different amount come Monday? I guess the best way to tell for sure would be to SCARF something and see if the MIR wants a different amount later in the week.

I'm really speculative if it makes a difference at all and I'm curious to see what others are going to say about this.
From my understanding, once the MIR drops if we don't have all the product, a SCARF is done to adjust the OH's as saying what you physically found is true vs. wt the MIR asks for.

By the time the MIR is closed and sent, the SCARF has taken into effect. The OH's would've adjusted so the amount we send out is consistent with the newly adjusted OH's giving you a green completion score.

Since most store's opp is consistency with pulling d-code, ensuring the Instocks team isn't being pulled from their daily tasks list, and maintaining BRLA, scarfing MIR's is a quick fix in conjunction with getting on best practice everywhere else.

The time frame is what confuses me in which it takes to make this process 100% effective.
I didn't know what SCARF was. The only time I try to get the oh adjusted is if it's a recall or the quality is off alot. Most time the instock team wasn't able to make the adjustment because the system wouldn't allow it. I'm green on fairly regular basis.

once you submit the count adjustment form, print out the page and give it to your price change TL or tm and let them know you are expecting a count to drop in and if they could watch for it and process it as soon as it drops in. I also usually write at the bottom whether the count is 0 or if I need them to check all salesfloor locations and backroom and enter that count.
Im going to ask about SCARF. Had no idea what it was. I was trained by an amazing receiver and i dont remember anything about that word. Going to ask about it and see if anyone knows.
Im going to ask about SCARF. Had no idea what it was. I was trained by an amazing receiver and i dont remember anything about that word. Going to ask about it and see if anyone knows.
Been with Spot for a long time and never heard of this SCARF thing. How the heck do I do this thing? Love to learn a new process that will help me out.
MIR's for the next week are shown on Thursday. From what I understand the counts shown are the OH's at that time. So when this SCARF thing is done when do you do it? Before starting/pulling the MIR's or before they are completed?
MIR's can't be started (worked) until Tuesday. They are all due by the next Monday except QA's which are due the day after they drop.
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