
Oct 8, 2019
Hi all. I’m curious whether there are other visual merchandisers out there considering a tactical change in schedule to earlier morning hours due to the often large, and precarious ISM signing installations that are now part of our workload?

I think it would be optimal that I come in at least by 7am, which I would just love to do, yet I anticipate pushback from a certain ETL who only looks at that 7am start time as wasted payroll since I’m not guest facing. It is extremely frustrating, and I’m legitimately wondering what other VM’s schedule out there are like? Especially with the new change in regards to additional ISM responsibility.

thank you!
I only have one day per week at 7am for my set schedule. But during January I came in at 7 during the weekdays for lighting. For the outdoor living set I'm going to ask to come in early too. More overheads and CSE. It's just safer without guests in the building.
My VM is responsible for making sure the signing is done correctly, not for actually doing it.
Hi all. I’m curious whether there are other visual merchandisers out there considering a tactical change in schedule to earlier morning hours due to the often large, and precarious ISM signing installations that are now part of our workload?

I think it would be optimal that I come in at least by 7am, which I would just love to do, yet I anticipate pushback from a certain ETL who only looks at that 7am start time as wasted payroll since I’m not guest facing. It is extremely frustrating, and I’m legitimately wondering what other VM’s schedule out there are like? Especially with the new change in regards to additional ISM responsibility.

thank you!
Usually 5am or 6am start time at my store.
My VM is responsible for making sure the signing is done correctly, not for actually doing it.

Interesting, since it falls under the VM workload for non-pog signing not GM (in the monthly addendums) and they've been given extended times for finishing it. Seasonal CSEs now say the time to finish is 2 hours; I used to do it in 15 minutes. I'm certainly not doing my VM's work for him anymore. If he doesn't get to it, it doesn't go up.
Our VM only works in softlines and comes in at 7am. (Consultant for DBO's in HL , if needed.)
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Put up the Valentine FOS overhead and let me know how it goes 😂
Oh no. Lol. We shall see... gotta learn sometime! 😉 Never balked from a task and pretty much run softlines so... 🤣 I don’t know, from all that I read and hear it seems as though VM’s like me don’t exist ‘round Target as much as needed, however. Too good to dig in or whatever, idn. I’m excited to take on the new amount of ISM handed my way, though. So like I said earlier, all the luck... 😉😂😭
I was told by my etl straight from the source aka Therese that a dbo does the signing and we just validate and check off on it being done and set
I was told by my etl straight from the source aka Therese that a dbo does the signing and we just validate and check off on it being done and set

Well, the DBO’s at my store all rely on me to set their signs so hmmm. Sounds nice though I’ll admit, lol.

I’ve also been having a blast installing the 68” and 34” paper CSE/focals. Not kidding. I love it. Zipping about on the wave, being responsible for some very prominent, intricate points of visual impact throughout the store- seems like Target is finally starting to appropriately expand the role of the VM, giving more credibility to it through the uptake of new visual tasks that are of great import throughout, as well
as sweeping visual audits and weekly walks with the SD.

I’m also just curious- who hangs up the 68” and 34” in *your* store? Mine personally is a chain prototype from 2001 construction and still running on original everything/fixtures/never been remodeled etc., so we don’t have that snazzy fabric backing just yet. 😂🙃

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