Archived Self-Checkouts

Does your store have self-checkouts?

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Main reason people with full carts go to SCO, in my experience, is to sneak things past the scanner. Amazing how, if they know you are watching them closely, they decide not to buy lots of the expensive items in their cart. I'm especially on top of that when there are checklanes that are pretty much open.
We have 12 self checkouts, 6 on each side of the store. The grocery side is CRAZY BUSY (which makes it my favorite side because I don't get bored) and then the electronics side is sooooo slow. So the line for the grocery SCO will be like 10 people long and I will tell them "we have another self checkout just down there that I guarantee nobody is using" and literally nobody will move. It's so frustrating lol. Like enjoy waiting in line for 10 minutes with your one item when you could just walk to the other side of the store in 2, checkout in 1.

Also, with the new update and logging into store mode - I notice a lot of TMs will log themselves in while they're checking themselves out and type in their discount number. I think this is so sketch?? I haven't seen anyone give themselves other discounts or anything but it's essentially the same as logging into a register and ringing yourself up which is not allowed. Just ask me to type it in for you. It's fine 🙄
Yeah, they may be hearing about that from your AP.
I've had an ETL tell me to do it. Even told me it was fine to override myself back when the bag scales worked.

Luckily I don't have register access so I haven't done it.
Logging into SCO to checkout our own items at my store would be a big no-no for the same reason that we can't just jump on a register and ring ourselves up. The SCO cashier is supposed to come over and log into store mode, if necessary.
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