Archived Seriously Targretting my life this semester...

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Sep 24, 2012
I've decided that on 11/7/12 I will hand in my two weeks notice, making 11/21/12 my last day. I can't deal w/ this BS company any more.

Yesterday I brought up re-shop and defectives to GS and left the cart, as per usual, but boy was I wrong! Usually SFTM let GS sort the carts, which includes defecting out merchandise,because that's what we were taught to do... BUT I was wrong. A few minutes after I had made my way onto the sales floor, I was called back up by the *****y GSTL, who was standing there with GS playing w/ the IPAD. She harshly (and very self righteously) informed me: I should be APing out merchandise myself. It's "technically my job," which NO ONE ever taught me. The GS girl was very kind and gracious as she showed me, but GSTL was rubbing it in: "You need to be doing this; you should know how to do it via the PDA," I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. Later on the SAME girl called me over to give me a quick tutorial on how to defect merchandise from my PDA and we stood there for a good 15 minutes and alas: she didn't even know how to do it. She kept hitting all the buttons and was like, "Maybe this is it..." And when I said, "You don't even know how to do it?", she got all *****y and was like, "Well I don't work on the sales floor, I did this ONCE before so how would I remember?" I just stared at her, but laughed in my head. I would've gladly done this myself, had I known, but don't attempt to chastise me and "instruct" me on procedure, when you can't even do it yourself. The girl is so self-important, smug, and self-righteous, it's nauseating! After dealing w/ her on a daily freaking basis, I just realized that it's time and I picked a date. I was going to work through the month of November, but I think I'll enjoy Thanksgiving weekend and start my new job on 11/26. SCREW BLACK FRIDAY & SCREW SPOT!

I've seriously Targretted a semester of my life, here. 😀
APing out is not the same as defecting out. If you use the lpda to report an empty package you are prompted to scan the sales floor aisle location closest to where the item was found. This part of the process on the lpda is relatively new. AP prefers it this was because of this feature. For anyone who doesnt know, it's under the sort stuff icon.
I've decided that on 11/7/12 I will hand in my two weeks notice, making 11/21/12 my last day. I can't deal w/ this BS company any more.

Yesterday I brought up re-shop and defectives to GS and left the cart, as per usual, but boy was I wrong! Usually SFTM let GS sort the carts, which includes defecting out merchandise,because that's what we were taught to do... BUT I was wrong. A few minutes after I had made my way onto the sales floor, I was called back up by the *****y GSTL, who was standing there with GS playing w/ the IPAD. She harshly (and very self righteously) informed me: I should be APing out merchandise myself. It's "technically my job," which NO ONE ever taught me. The GS girl was very kind and gracious as she showed me, but GSTL was rubbing it in: "You need to be doing this; you should know how to do it via the PDA," I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away. Later on the SAME girl called me over to give me a quick tutorial on how to defect merchandise from my PDA and we stood there for a good 15 minutes and alas: she didn't even know how to do it. She kept hitting all the buttons and was like, "Maybe this is it..." And when I said, "You don't even know how to do it?", she got all *****y and was like, "Well I don't work on the sales floor, I did this ONCE before so how would I remember?" I just stared at her, but laughed in my head. I would've gladly done this myself, had I known, but don't attempt to chastise me and "instruct" me on procedure, when you can't even do it yourself. The girl is so self-important, smug, and self-righteous, it's nauseating! After dealing w/ her on a daily freaking basis, I just realized that it's time and I picked a date. I was going to work through the month of November, but I think I'll enjoy Thanksgiving weekend and start my new job on 11/26. SCREW BLACK FRIDAY & SCREW SPOT!

I've seriously Targretted a semester of my life, here. 😀

They could of used a better tone but usually we dont just leave a heaping cart of reshop for guest service to sort out. For example, I zone in market and have collected half a cart of random reshop. Usually I will go to guest service and sort it all out myself since it doesnt really take all that long and we dont actually scan each item for reshop at our store, we dont scan any. For defectives I usually have guest service do it because they do it alot more than me and I dont want to screw anything up and it takes some time from my allready busy PA routines. If it is something that is AP specific, say a empty package, we have to defect it out a different way and put the time we found it, what aisle, team member name and date. That way AP can go back and try to find whoever stole it.
On ap stuff, we have a log sheet on where it found, etc at gs. gs they handle from there. Your gstl is not correct. I hope they do your qmos! Remind them...
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It's unfortunate they didn't train you correctly but you seem to have a pretty poor attitude. I know I wouldn't have handled the situation by deciding to quit. And poor you having to work at Target for less then a semester of time. I worked at Target for years while going to college, and dealt with awful leaders and made it work. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and tough it out. I finally got myself a decent job and left on my terms and not because I let some stupid GSTL make me frustrated. Left on my own terms and I'm proud of it.
Oh I guess I misread this... Yeah you should at least label the items where they were found, time, etc. We have stickers that we write on, then we attach them to the item. We usually just have the SFTMs fill them out, then we process them in Sort Stuff later (didn't know there was an app for it on the PDA though!)
This is a really petty thing to quit over. I understand you weren't really in the wrong here but I think you blew it out of proportion. You seem to have a bad attitude towards others in general it seems. Other people would at least try to sugarcoat their reaction to this situation but you just totally admit that you are not engaged when people speak to you. Shrugging your shoulders when someone is speaking to you? If you think they're wrong you need to tell them why.

Quitting over your perceived poor relationship with one TL? Maybe this isn't the whole story behind your decision to leave, but you sure haven't made any case worth sympathy.
Sounds like your store is better off without you.
If it is something that is AP specific, say a empty package, we have to defect it out a different way and put the time we found it, what aisle, team member name and date. That way AP can go back and try to find whoever stole it.

^^This is how my store does empty packages. When we bring up our re-shop at the end of the night, Guest Service sorts most of it. I generally try to sort anything that I bring up, though I leave defectives because I don't remember how to do them. Lately, my store's Guest Service team has this ridiculous aversion to using Smart Sort even though it makes our jobs easier on the floor, so if I don't sort my own cart, nothing will get scanned.

RE: PDA - I didn't know you could Sort Stuff with the PDA, though our operators use the PDA to defect out merchandise at the fitting room.
This is a really petty thing to quit over. I understand you weren't really in the wrong here but I think you blew it out of proportion. You seem to have a bad attitude towards others in general it seems. Other people would at least try to sugarcoat their reaction to this situation but you just totally admit that you are not engaged when people speak to you. Shrugging your shoulders when someone is speaking to you? If you think they're wrong you need to tell them why.

Quitting over your perceived poor relationship with one TL? Maybe this isn't the whole story behind your decision to leave, but you sure haven't made any case worth sympathy.
Sounds like your store is better off without you.

Haha yeah I do have a pretty piss poor attitude when it comes to incompetence and self-righteousness. I have NO PROBLEM learning things, and am open to that fact... I've tried to be patient, and if you're good w/ me, I'm good w/ you. I've had a lot of people come up to me and kindly suggest ways I can improve my performance, but if you're just a miserable ***** to me, but don't really offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, than I'm sorry, a shrug and "I don't know what to tell you" are all you're going to get. And she's not the *reason* I'm quitting, more so another example in the basket: I'm leaving because I got a better paying job, AND I'm going to graduate school. I tried out Target, don't like it, and am leaving before I get locked in and become a miserable lifer... like a lot of the ppl in my store are. In a way: it's good that I know I hate this job, because I'm really helping us both out by leaving. I guess it could be summed up to: treat others how you want to be treated. She was miserable to me, but I wasn't even miserable to her. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "I don't know what to tell you" upon her reaction. Apparently ALL the TL had a meeting and were supposed to tell us about this. What do you want me to do? Then after being a ***** to me about it, and she couldn't even do it?! WTF? I eventually learned, as I asked the AP lady to teach me. She was nice and patient and I listened... so... yeah. And good for you for staying at (and enduring) Target. You're better people than I am.
It's unfortunate they didn't train you correctly but you seem to have a pretty poor attitude. I know I wouldn't have handled the situation by deciding to quit. And poor you having to work at Target for less then a semester of time. I worked at Target for years while going to college, and dealt with awful leaders and made it work. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and tough it out. I finally got myself a decent job and left on my terms and not because I let some stupid GSTL make me frustrated. Left on my own terms and I'm proud of it.

I am leaving on my own terms. The decision to work at Target was *NEVER *long term. It was just a source of income until I found a better job. I did recently. So I never really cared about the job in the first place. But good for you for working here. I'm proud of you. She isn't the *reason* I'm quitting, merely another reason to hate the job. And at least I'm giving two weeks notice, there are a lot of TM at my store who just stopped showing up... so I'm cordial to the guests and other TM and help out as best as I can. But please don't be a ***** to me when there's no rational reason for it. I get that she was probably frustrated w/ Spot for some reason, but don't take it out on me, simply because I'm a smaller, weaker Target. I may just be a TM, but we deserve respect too. In a way: I was restrained by simply shrugging my shoulders, because I have a big mouth which could have landed me in trouble, like one of the guys I work w/. I would say, none of us really have a good attitude about the job... except the older people.
HAha though in hind sight this post does make me look like a petulant child. I was venting... isn't that was this website is supposed to be about? Letting off frustration w/ Spot? Let it be known: that I generally *try* and keep my bad attitude in check, only expressing it to the young apathetic college kids who feel the same, and genuinely make an attempt to respect and listen to my bosses. But that girl has been on my case ever since I got hired. I worked as a cashier and she was rude to me for no reason. I used to call for change and she would act as if I was bothering if it were a big chore to do it... and heaven for bid I reminded her:, "I think it's my break time," she'd get all pissy and say, "god you're needy, aren't you?" And before I really knew how to utilize the "HELP" button, I would simply flick on my caution light and she would come over, grumbling, that if I turned the light on again we would fight and have problems. At first she scared me, so I tried to stay away; now I just don't care, which is why I just shrugged my shoulders at her. Better than cursing her out, I suppose?
Venting is totally fine, it's just that you definitely came off like you didn't care about the job, which you admit. Just understand that a lot of people here won't respect you if you straight come out and say you don't care about the job at all. For some here it's their career.
Venting is totally fine, it's just that you definitely came off like you didn't care about the job, which you admit. Just understand that a lot of people here won't respect you if you straight come out and say you don't care about the job at all. For some here it's their career.

I have to say that there are aspects about the job and people I absolutely HATE, but there are also equal parts of the job I love. I love being there, helping guests, as they usually have great stories and it's a chance to chit-chat. I also love zoning (and reshoping) C&D... it's where I feel comfortable and can do the job well. So I guess saying I hate it and don't care about the job at all is a bit of an exaggeration. I also love supporting (and being supported by) the other TM. When we all come together and tackle a cart of reshop or softlines or seasonal at the end of the night. I will miss that, but there's a lot I don't care about: pushing red cards; or having to be EVERYWHERE at once, are definitely the top of the list. I applaud those who are strong enough to endure Target, because I sure cannot do it. Especially for the little compensation I get, it's just not worth it.
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