Archived Should I go for it?

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Sep 14, 2012
My store is about to hemorrhage seven team leads. (The rest of the store does not know this yet--one of my TL friends told me)

None of the positions are publicly available, but the store leadership will be posting them in waves + having the team leads train their replacements. I am well-liked by all of the team leads (and the ETLS who aren't so obsessed with grocery/perishable that they don't know anyone outside those areas), and a few of them have suggested I go to interviews and eventually fill one of these spots.

The openings will be: GSTL, Instocks, Backroom, SL x 2, HL, Starbucks. I have experience in 3 of the 6 positions. My 1 year anniversary is in August. Will my length with the company be detrimental to my promotion? Should I even bother going for these positions without an ETL mentioning the possibility of interviews with me?

(Also, they are leaving because a new store is opening up and it's poaching leadership from every store)
I say go for it, I had zero retail experience when I started working for Target, within 8 months I was promoted to TL of consumables, now I'm being asked to consider going for Sr.TL
Certainly take the shot.
No better time than now.
at first when i was reading it it scared me and i was going to say NO WAY if you have 7 TL's leaving. Also, if they're leaving for a new store they probably have some sort of plan for what they're going to do because no way would my store just give up 7 team leads without people on the bench. So i doubt they'll be posting all of those positions but you should go talk to your ETL now and just tell them you want to be a TL and get the ball rolling!
Yeah go for it. The length of time you have been with target shouldn't matter. It was two months before i made GSA and 8 more before i made HRTL. Just tell your aligned exec that while you know there are no open positions yet you would like to interview for TL. One you are on the bench all you have to do is wait.
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