I'm Lost! Sick & at work?

Mar 14, 2020
So I'm at work and woke up today with a sore throat, my body is sore and feels very run down and on top of it I'm pregnant. My boyfriend and mom wanted me to stay home but I'm terrified to call off to my managers so I can in anyway but I feel worse and my throat is hurting more and more and getting swollen. Should I ask to go home early especially because of what's going on? I'm nervous to but did hear one manager the other day say we cant be in if we arent feeling good.
No asking. You tell them your symptoms and then tell them you are going home. Then call your OB/GYN and tell them your symptoms and ask what they want you to do. In the immortal words of David Byrne: "This ain't no party. This ain't no disco. This ain't no fooling around." I hope what you have isn't serious and you recover quickly. Good luck!