Benefits Sick hours

Feb 8, 2023
Ok team. According to HR at my store, we are only allowed to use 40 hrs of sick time throughout the year. My question is if this is so why am I tapped out of my 40hrs but at 60+ hours and still accumulating? All my Hr is saying is that my hours will roll over no further explanation.
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Incorrect. The general policy is you only accrue up to 40 hours per year if eligible. And any unused time does carry over. But the policy does not limit how much you can use in a year. See attached for more specific details.


Ok because this was not making sense to me. My last sick hours I put in were denied because I had tapped out of my 40hrs for the year. Spoke to my HR & I was told I was only able to use 2.5 hours because I had reached my max. When I went to go check my hours I had 60+ sick hrs and had just accrued 2 more in the last pay period. It’s just making sense to me or maybe I’m just slow
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It makes sense that you can't use more than 40 hours in one week, because you are only able to use sick time to replace lost hours you were scheduled but couldn't work. Maybe that is what happened with your HR- you maxed out for the week? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I was scheduled 36 hours, was out sick one day. So I was trying to replace just the one day I missed. I was told I could only use 40hrs of sick pay for the year & I only had 2.5 hrs available. But my current paystub says otherwise. I have 60+ hrs
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Ok team. According to HR at my store, we are only allowed to use 40 hrs of sick time throughout the year. My question is if this is so why am I tapped out of my 40hrs but at 60+ hours and still accumulating? All my Hr is saying is that my hours will roll over no further explanation.
Are you a mandated store or covered by the policy from July (I ask because you're at 60 when the rest of us are capped at 40)? If you have the hours, it should let you use whatever you have, up to 40. You may have local laws to contend with
Are you a mandated store or covered by the policy from July (I ask because you're at 60 when the rest of us are capped at 40)? If you have the hours, it should let you use whatever you have, up to 40. You may have local laws to contend with
I think mandated. So if we cap at 40 why am I still accruing hours of I’m @ 60+ sick hrs.
My state allows me to use only 40 hours per year, regardless of how many are in my bank. I called HROC to verify. This was before sick time for all.
Thank you! This is my next step, calling HROC. Because I was also told by a TL that we would still get paid our sick hours after we use our 40 sick hrs but it could be used against our attendance. Just as @SigningLady stated, the guide does not say how many hrs we can use, only how many we can accrue.
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