Archived Sidecaps all over market

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Nov 26, 2017
Seems like every salesplanner in market now include sidecaps on both sides and vendors always wanting a sidecap of their own.. like fuck off.
Vendors in my store just bring in shippers all the time without approval so I just toss them. Remember vendors work for you not the other way around. Certain ones like Pepperidge farm will be pushy too because they own their product and don't make money until the product is sold at POS. Don't let vendors push you around.
In my experience vendors will stop trying to push you around if you show them the ISG and that what they are trying to push on you isn't there. But don't treat vendors like shit unless needed. Part of their job is to try and get stores to set up displays for new products/specials, and I've seen ETLs/STL treat some of the best vendors I had like complete shit because that's how they interacted with everybody. Just be firm and fair
Funny, Pepperidge is one of my top two coolest vendors. Where the soda and liquor vendors are on a super short leash. Nothing comes off their trucks unless its in writing signed by the TL. Which sucks cause their drivers for pepsi and Columbia are the coolest cats on show up on the dock..
In my experience vendors will stop trying to push you around if you show them the ISG and that what they are trying to push on you isn't there. But don't treat vendors like shit unless needed. Part of their job is to try and get stores to set up displays for new products/specials, and I've seen ETLs/STL treat some of the best vendors I had like complete shit because that's how they interacted with everybody. Just be firm and fair
Yes I sounded harsh in my post but I definitely treat all my vendors with respect. When I was gstl I had an abnormally large cartwell up front so I worked with all the vendors as closely as the market TL or receiver did. I just had a couple asshat vendors that couldn’t take no for an answer. If they were good to me I was good to them. My Pepperidge farm (snacks not bread) vendor was my absolute favorite and would come in almost everyday to make sure his stuff was full and zoned.
Mu personal perspective is fuck vendors. So many INFs from vendor product. What they say they deliver versus what they actually deliver is way off. Really love having to INF something we're supposed to have 50+ on hand of. Fun to audit that out to zero though.
I have good vendors (that basically get whatever they want) and crap vendors.

I get real tired of people asking for more display space while they already have a sell down endcap from last time they overordered for the cartwall. No, you don't get two extra ends. You also will NOT get space if you ask for the space I have given another vendor. You do not get space if you do not check in with me weekly.
Mu personal perspective is fuck vendors. So many INFs from vendor product. What they say they deliver versus what they actually deliver is way off. Really love having to INF something we're supposed to have 50+ on hand of. Fun to audit that out to zero though.
Part of those INFs involve situations where deliveries are being denied by the receiver or the ETLs for some of the pettiest of reasons. With any deliveries, your receiver should be marking down and noting what quantities are coming in.
In my experience vendors will stop trying to push you around if you show them the ISG and that what they are trying to push on you isn't there. But don't treat vendors like shit unless needed. Part of their job is to try and get stores to set up displays for new products/specials, and I've seen ETLs/STL treat some of the best vendors I had like complete shit because that's how they interacted with everybody. Just be firm and fair

100% agree.

I'm currently a Food ETL and I'm having to fix a lot of Vendor relations while maintaining the integrity of the ISG.
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