Archived so, how long does it take...

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I got a final pay stub in the mail since they cut my access to ehr right away. I had all my vacation time paid out on the last check.

1 week.
HLM: no I got fired by a clueless GL, who's theorized as wanting a whole new crew of mechanics that might actually trust his pothead self.

Now since the consensus seams to be about 1 week, i'll be good. However let me ask this, they did not ask for me to return my uniforms or other equipment that i was issued. Should I just assume that's mine to keep now? I mean they asked for my keys back and my discount card and ID but that's that.
HLM: no I got fired by a clueless GL, who's theorized as wanting a whole new crew of mechanics that might actually trust his pothead self.

Now since the consensus seams to be about 1 week, i'll be good. However let me ask this, they did not ask for me to return my uniforms or other equipment that i was issued. Should I just assume that's mine to keep now? I mean they asked for my keys back and my discount card and ID but that's that.

If you get the ck in 2 or 3 weeks, i would keep the stuff. If not, call them & see why you have not gotten your ck.
Sorry to hear that Greenshirt.
Hope your next place has better pay and more respect.
Good luck.
well i was making pretty good pay with Target,$26.24 with the shift differential, but yep there's always better out there.
Sorry to hear that, but gotta keep on trucking! (And hopefully you get to keep the equipment)
Sorry to hear that, Greenshirt.
You gave us a lot of insight on life in the big box.
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