Archived So I quit today

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Nov 9, 2013
I couldn't take it anymore. I had a TL who has had out for me since day one. Every time I made a small mistake, he would report it to the ETL-AP and STL. The STL said not to worry about it since I am new and small common mistakes happen to everyone. He even said that he makes them almost everyday. My STL is a very nice guy and reasonable.

However, this TL made me lose it today. I was meeting with the ETL-AP, discussing some new security measures for electronics and things to look out for. It's something he does with all new TMs. Then the TL who hates me, comes in and says that I should not be working in electronics because I was supposedly responsible for a $300 loss that wasn't even my fault. The ETL-AP had me leave the room and go work for a few hours then he called me back in with the TL sitting there smiling. I was told that I can no longer work electronics and my hours would be cut. He even said that I shouldn't even work the sales floor during store hours.

After that, I walked away fuming inside. About 30 minutes later, I went to the ETL-AP and ETL-HL and the TL and turned in my keys, walkie, and tag. I told them that if I wasn't to be trusted during store hours, then I can no longer work there. I don't want anyone second guessing me every time I do something. They asked me to stay because I am the only bilingual TM in the store. I said no and that I am not gonna be treated like a thief and have my integrity questioned by everyone in the store. I walked out the door and the TL said that the $300 loss would come out of my final check. In response, I said that Target and he better have a damn good lawyer if that happens.

Later I found out that him and the ETL-AP are really good friends and the ETL-AP listens to everything the TL says. I walked out feeling embarrassed hurt. I would never in a million years consider stealing anything from anyone or contribute to a loss. When I go looking for a new job, should I even bother listing Target as a previous employer because I was there for less than 90 days and didn't give a two week notice? Should I expect a call from the STL or HR later to discuss the incident or pay? I was told to expect some form of communication.

Sorry for the long post. I am extremely hurt and insulted by this incident today and I needed an avenue to tell my story and feelings about what happened. What hurts me the most is that I really liked my fellow TMs and ETLs, except for the AP and TL. He wasn't even my assigned TL. I had fun working electronics and I will miss doing so. It's a shame that a job liked had to end so shortly and on a sour note.

Edit: Here's the full story about the $300 loss. Electronics was slammed with a lot of guests and it was too much for me. I called for back up and a two TMs came to help me out. A guest asked one of them for an iPod so he can exchange it. The TM gave him one and didn't walk it to guest services. The guy walked right out the store with it. This happened when I was helping a guest select a few games.
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That's awful. Good on you though for sticking up for yourself and taking the high road out though! Have you considered calling the Integrity Hotline?
That's awful. Good on you though for sticking up for yourself and taking the high road out though! Have you considered calling the Integrity Hotline?

I haven't. I figure what goes around, comes around. I'm just worried how this will impact my search for a new job because it was a pain for me to find this job at Target. I applied to so many places and they were the only ones that bothered calling back.
Since Target doesn't give references beyond affirming that you worked there & when - AND you were there such a short time - I wouldn't bother to mention them on your resume.
I'm sorry you had such a crappy experience.
Here's to things getting better and life looking up.

Not to stir the pot but you said that you were one of the only bilingual TMs.
Could that have had any effect on why the TL was out to get you?
i would address a letter to the STL and HR politely explain the circumstances and reason why you left, and call Integrity Hotline. If you do, have specific instances, dates, and witnesses.
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I'm sorry you had such a crappy experience.
Here's to things getting better and life looking up.

Not to stir the pot but you said that you were one of the only bilingual TMs.
Could that have had any effect on why the TL was out to get you?

I'm not too sure if that would be a reason but I doubt it. I called the integrity hotline and they made a report. I doubt it will go anywhere but it sends a message. I was very specific with the report.
BTW, taking the $300 loss out of your final paycheck is bullsh!t but I guess he needed to get in a parting shot.
I hope something comes out of this. You didn't deserve that & my hope is that the TL & AP will both find themselves under investigation with termination.
Thank you guys so much for the support. It really ruined my day and week. I've been feeling depressed and embarrassed about the whole situation. As I said, I'm a really honest person and would never violate policy willingly. The best thing to do is move on and forget about the whole thing. Hopefully the integrity hotline will rattle some cages and make sure something like this doesn't happen to another honest TM.
Curious, were you a seasonal or permanent hire? And how was electronics schedule for that day. From what it sounds like, the TL didn't want to take the blame for the lose, and mis-managed the area.

From the stores I worked, seasonals or TMs under 90 days are not typically scheduled to man Electronics except to cashier and assist guests in locating items. When they do, they don't carry the Electronic keys, only the Electronics TM can unlock the cases.
I was a seasonal hire and I was manning electronics and I had the keys. I called for backup and a few TMs came to help and they had keys. I'm not sure who unlocked the case but it wasn't me.
If they had keys then AP should've checked the video to see who gave the guy the iPad.
Sounds like AP's butt should be in a sling for listening to the TL instead of doing their job.
I'd mention THAT in another call to integrity.
From the stores I worked, seasonals or TMs under 90 days are not typically scheduled to man Electronics except to cashier and assist guests in locating items. When they do, they don't carry the Electronic keys, only the Electronics TM can unlock the cases.

We hired seasonals specifically for electronics, keys and all.
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