Archived So Walmart wants me back

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Sep 18, 2013
Today i got a voicemail from Walmart inviting me to come in for an interview, i had worked with them for several months until i lost my job for family reasons (Had to look after my dad who was sick and i got the boot at Walmart)

They always appreciated my work and knew that i put in 110 percent. However, that store where i worked doesn't have any more open spots (Its a regular Walmart), and the one that called me is a supercenter.

I just started Target and i was really feeling positive about things (Like i said in another post, they offered to train me for backroom already, i started in flow)

I just feel conflicted, but i wanted to know what you guys think. Would you take this opportunity, or would you stick with Target?

Thank you for reading.
It depends. Who pays more & allows time to take care of family member? Wally World should allow time for you to take care of family member under family leave medical act. Did they do that? Is my question, did you ask about it?
It depends. Who pays more & allows time to take care of family member? Wally World should allow time for you to take care of family member under family leave medical act. Did they do that? Is my question, did you ask about it?

Right now, Target is the one with higher pay (But minimal hours), while Walmart is minimum wage but a chance of at least 32 hours a week.

The emergency came up pretty quick and i spoke to my mgr, who said i'd be alright to go and i was off to another state the next day, nobody told me about the fmla and i was pretty anxious to get to my father asap that LOTS of things werent done.

I came back 2 weeks later to no job but was told i had to wait a month to be rehired since they termed me. But they were telling me i had to go to the supercenter, instead of their store. PLENTY of people in that store seem to get canned if anything MEDICAL goes on, it seems.

Honestly, thinking all this through makes me want to stay at Target.
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Wally termed you after only 2 weeks?!
And it's not like you were partying or taking a cruise but being a good son.
And being sent to a store known for canning people "with medical issues" doesn't sound any better.
As much as I kvetch about spot's policies, Wally's sound down-right heartless.
I'd stay in the red house.
I have to agree with redeye, I have my own issues with Spot but it sounds like Uncle Wally was a major prick and doesn't deserve you.
You can probably pick up the hours you need but not the respect.
I was shocked too, i figured i could get back to work since we had rent due soon after and i was all broke from my expensive travel tickets, but nope.

I felt insulted when they would tell me to 'call tomorrow' to see if there was anything they could do for me, since i was short on time. They said my name had been taken off the system and i reapplied online, no calls back, kept hearing i still had to wait a month (UGH!!)

So i applied for our red empire (lol) and got called 2 weeks later.. 1st phone interview went well. Several days later went in for 2nd interview and impressed the logistics lead (Told him I was used to handling a lot of freight at walmart and had knowledge of the inventory management)

Hm. I think i'll stay at Target. They've shown faith in me thus far.. that has to count for something, right?

Thanks for the help guys .. i needed a push in the right direction 🙂
I would say carefully look at both options and compare the two and see which one fits best. I really love my job at Spot even though it's a little hectic at times with peak shopping hours but I feel alot better knowing that I have a great help (at the touch of a button) which things get too much and a awesome team that is never too busy to answer a question here and there and I absolutely love the open door policy.

As you have said you have been on Flow team and getting trained in backroom...which is good because more cross-training equals more hours and sometimes at wally the long lines around the corner can be very tiring to handle :/ I have shopped there and experienced it.

On another note I agree with Redeye and Corvus's posts 🙂

P.S With Target at least you know that the FLMA is there

Cheers and happy recovery to your Dad 🙂
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I've been giving it a lot of thought, and honestly i'd love to prove my usefulness at our store. I actually feel valued, as opposed to the robotic way things were done at the W. Our flow team is great and helpful, so i really think i will wave goodbye to Walmart.

I really appreciate the responses - You guys are awesome!
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