Archived Softlines help

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Oct 3, 2016
Whats the best way to get gobacks and zones done by the end of the night? Any tips for softlines?
Whats the best way to get gobacks and zones done by the end of the night? Any tips for softlines?

When assigning zones, put tms in the areas they are strongest in. We concentrate on a strong zone and try to put as much gobacks/reshop away as possible. Depends on how crazy the night is/how many tms we have. Right now with low hours, we only have three closers each night during the week and one of has to work fitting room/phones and zone.
Goback are not my strong point. I can fold pretty well. Ive worked retail before. Some people say zoning is more important and others say gobacks are more important. Its hard to juggle both
My store tries to do a midday zone everyday, which really helps. Coming into a empty fitting room is the best, but if it's at least sorted, that helps. I start by grabbing my reshop for my zones and putting them away as I zone. For example, if I have RTW, I'll do reshop for Xhilaration then zone it it, then I'll do the same for MSC, etc. I also go back to the fitting room between zones to sort what is there and then move onto my next zone doing the same thing. SL TM's will check the bins up front after their break so it doesn't just pile up. It really depends on the LOD, but my store tends to prioritize zone over reshop being left at the end of the night. Flow will often do the reshop if they have time, but they're not going to zone.
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