Archived STL Perception

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Apr 10, 2013
Greetings from the north!

Just wanted to get some insight from the U.S. stores. I'm a GSTL in my store and had some questions and concerns about my STL.

Long story short, the STL in our store has given off this perception that they doesn't really do anything when in the store, obviously when visiting district office and corporate work gets done, and as an STL I am sure there is a lot of behind the scenes work that happens. However when in the store all our STL does is stress out people (ETLs, TLs, and TMs) and doesn't really contribute anything to the team.

Is this a regular thing? Should I give my STL the feedback? If possible I'd like a brief description of your STL and what he/she does on a regular basis and how much recognition they give and how FFF they are.
Greetings and salutations.
I'm not the best person to give a description of my STL (it would be a bit tainted) so I'll just say welcome to The Break Room.
I agree with Red.

I rarely see my STL, he's only at the store during the day. He used to close every now and then, but recently not so much. When I do see him at the store he is usually in his office. I do see him walk the store and ask TMs how they're doing. He does back-up at the front lanes and he helps guests around the store. He does recognize people during huddle and he writes vibe cards for TMs (vague).
The STL isn't there to actually do the work, hes there to plan and manage. Its kinda stupid having the store manager doing TM work.

Agree with redeye.
Out STL closes one night a week. Opens on weekends. Helps with the freezer cooler truck every time it comes. Will help with the normal truck when they run behind. Helps clean up the back room, sorts seasonal pallets, back stocks. Helps putting clearance out on the floor and with coming up with plans for empty end caps if needed. Recognizes people on a daily basis and writes more vibe cards than half the TMs. STL also helps with hours, calls people in, back up cashiers, and even opens Starbucks when needed. I've seen them in ready to wear zoning, scanning with in stocks and in electronics selling attachments. Oh... And along with that does all the STL paper work, conference calls, meetings, and takes time to listen. Gives feedback as often as you need and encourages. Oh and not to mention maintains excellent relationships with about 97% of the ETLs, TLs, TMs.

No our store isn't incapable. The STL trusts their team, things get done even without them there. But always willing to jump in and help when needed. All those things clearly aren't on a daily basis. But it's all things I've seen in the past year. It's probably why I enjoy my job so much.
You are hoping to find an STL that leads by example. One that inspires the team and leads them. You are in the wrong company. They do exist here and there but, most of them have been driven out for cheaper versions. Not that you anybody sane would want that job. You will get your chance once a year during the best team survey to rate your STL. Although once you all have been open awhile the golden days of payrole will be over and if your a low volume store you will have no staffing and your STL will be stuck doing all kinds of labor because nobody else is in the store.
Thanks everyone for the comments, I think the best way for the STL to receive this feedback is via the BTS. Which was conducted recently. Hopefully the message get across.
Most store managers are pretty useless. Past some token customer service, they are there to motivate the staff and to protect the store's bottom line.
Wow. My STL is on the Sales Floor all the time. Closes LOD once a week and has a Closing weekend in Rotation with the other LOD's. On top of that is Opening LOD occasionally. Love our STL. Freaking awesome. Nice to see him/her work on the sales floor like the rest of us!
Wow. My STL is on the Sales Floor all the time. Closes LOD once a week and has a Closing weekend in Rotation with the other LOD's. On top of that is Opening LOD occasionally. Love our STL. Freaking awesome. Nice to see him/her work on the sales floor like the rest of us!

You are a lucky one! Welcome, btw!
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Wow. My STL is on the Sales Floor all the time. Closes LOD once a week and has a Closing weekend in Rotation with the other LOD's. On top of that is Opening LOD occasionally. Love our STL. Freaking awesome. Nice to see him/her work on the sales floor like the rest of us!

You have one of the good ones.
Too bad they are going to be rotated out in 18 months.
Most store managers are pretty useless. Past some token customer service, they are there to motivate the staff and to protect the store's bottom line.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head. I had an STL that did NOTHING (No...I mean NOTHING) except for drink starbucks, respond to e-mails, and get on her weekly conference call. Her weekends and closing shifts were 4-5 hours shifts (not joking). Lucky for me, I'm brave and say it like it is. Complaints to district were heard and she got the boot. New STL is a rock star who is actually dedicated to the store. His only downfall is that he focuses on only one area at a time.
Our STL is really good. Always available and pulse many LOD shifts. Been with us since we opened in 2006 and hopefully I'll be out of there before he is.
The STL position is 100% leadership based. Their job is to lead and direct the team in order to meet district expectations and goals. So you won't see them pushing CAFs or working Z-racks, but they should have a strong salesfloor presence.
Soooo your STL definitely has a large enough workload to keep him/her behind the scenes 100% of the time, but it's his job to be able to balance office time with "team-time."

When I was an intern my STL partnered with my for my LOD training...I think his closing LOD routines sum up most STLs pretty well:
Tell everyone where to go
Tell everyone your expectations
Check in with each person every 5 minutes over walkie
Make sure timelines are being met
Check in with everyone over walkie between checking in with them over walkie :excited:
The STL position is 100% leadership based. Their job is to lead and direct the team in order to meet district expectations and goals. So you won't see them pushing CAFs or working Z-racks, but they should have a strong salesfloor presence.
Soooo your STL definitely has a large enough workload to keep him/her behind the scenes 100% of the time, but it's his job to be able to balance office time with "team-time."

When I was an intern my STL partnered with my for my LOD training...I think his closing LOD routines sum up most STLs pretty well:
Tell everyone where to go
Tell everyone your expectations
Check in with each person every 5 minutes over walkie
Make sure timelines are being met
Check in with everyone over walkie between checking in with them over walkie :excited:

i would go insane if my lod checked in on me that much during a closing shift.
my fave lod... i would walk in to close on the weekend, he asked to partner, we walked the entire salesfloor/br/gs and i told him my plan. i huddled with the team, then he left me alone, other than we would touch base after lunch and immediately when the lights went out and we were guest clear. never messed with the plan, or had us tear down 29 aisles, or other insane things. he was all about gs/sales/red cards/zone on the closing shifts. i miss him.
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