Archived Store Team Member Applying for HQ Position

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Starbucks Shift Supervisor
Sep 5, 2012
Now as a current employee for Target at the store level. If I were to apply for a Exempt or Non-Exempt position at Target HQ. Will being a current employee at the store level hurt any chance at being looked at if I were to apply? Heard and read rumors of Target passing on lower level employees. Is there some truth to this?
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I know that, my question is. If I apply, will they look at it and go "Oh, a grunt".
Seems like everything I hear about HQ is regarding vibe. If you can walk the walk and talk the talk, it may be worth pursuing. I honestly know nothing about getting a spot at HQ but I would guess that you could at least give it a shot. If you don't land it you still have your PA spot until something else comes up. If all else fails and you're really interested, you could always quit and apply as a non-TM.

Has anyone in your store's leadership heard about this happening? Sounds like this circumstance would be fairly isolated to your geographical region.
Best bet is Corporate recruiting or interning at HQ. But with the latest layoffs. It will be hard.

I had ETLs admit to me that Corp doesn't give any preference to store TMs. Unless there was a contact or I went through a recruiter, I was not going to get a job at HQ.

With a degree in TV production/Animation, I continuously applied for graphic art/media positions at HQ....not one response.
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