Archived Store Volume Downgrade

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Jun 20, 2014
So a store that may or may not be near mine apparently missed their yearly sales goal by enough to warrant being downgraded by a full category. resulting in a headcount reduction at the TL (by two? three?) and ETL (by two...) levels.

Our district is short on ETLs, so the expectation is that there will be a transfer or two in order. I was wondering, however, what standard practice would be in this sort of circumstance for their Team Leads? Would Spot typically transfer Team Leads to another store, or would they simply be given the boot? Asked to demote?

All I can say is that I am glad my department(s) and/or store have been exceeding our goals this year! But am definitely feeling for the team at this other store...
In my experience TLs are "performanced-out," which means they are not scheduled enough people on their teams, or are given a couple of low performers. Then, when the Team continually falls behind, the TL is termed for cause (or they quit because they can't take it anymore). Seen it too many times in my store. ETLs, if they are good (or the DTL likes them) are mostly transferred, but I know of one or two who have also been performanced-out.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone gets fired. When we went through the revised TL counts a few years ago we had one extra so they decided to term a TL that was with the company for over a decade. Systematically wrote her up for nonsense - stuff my useless piece of shit former ETL caused. Now both aren't with the company, and my TL received 3 months of unemployment for 2 weeks out of work.
How do you see your store volume? I checked the store fact sheet documents but couldn't find anything related to sales besides the sales projections/goals.
They send them to my store during AE month. Every fucking year the store near us is over head count "somehow" and they send their shitty tls to our store.
I think it is a mix. Some will be "performanced" out, some will leave on their own, and some will be transferred to another store.
So a store that may or may not be near mine apparently missed their yearly sales goal by enough to warrant being downgraded by a full category. resulting in a headcount reduction at the TL (by two? three?) and ETL (by two...) levels.

Our district is short on ETLs, so the expectation is that there will be a transfer or two in order. I was wondering, however, what standard practice would be in this sort of circumstance for their Team Leads? Would Spot typically transfer Team Leads to another store, or would they simply be given the boot? Asked to demote?

All I can say is that I am glad my department(s) and/or store have been exceeding our goals this year! But am definitely feeling for the team at this other store...

It's happened to me before. We lost a TL position, which happened to be mine. We had the discussion about having until September to get to headcount, but I was told in April that it had to happen much sooner. So they gave me two crappy positions at other stores to choose from. But at least I got to keep my job.
They dont fire tls just because of headcount changes. They try to do it through attrition. Usually by september of this year. However, any tls on correctives will probably be performanced out first.
So in my many years of experiencing AE changes I've found that attrition is always a euphemism for performancing out.

Two years ago my store termed 3 team leads on the same day. One was a salesfloor TL for performance. The other 2 were both of our GSTLs for some sort of red card scam where they enrolled fake people. Our deli TL was performanced out a month later. That's how we got in line with our head count that year.
So in my many years of experiencing AE changes I've found that attrition is always a euphemism for performancing out.


I have a hard time believing attrition is natural in most stores. It definitely puts the accelerator on for performancing out someone. That's definitely how it happened in my store with AE 2014 (lost 2 sales floor TLs, 1 GSTL, and zero ETLs).
Seems to me that it would be ideal to be at the very bottom of your store volume wrt sales. That way you get all the TLs and ETLs without having to deal with massive amounts of sales.
Seems to me that it would be ideal to be at the very bottom of your store volume wrt sales. That way you get all the TLs and ETLs without having to deal with massive amounts of sales.

Yeah, but then you toe this very narrow line between keeping and losing that headcount. If, for one year, you are a bit too down on sales then all of a sudden you're losing a few TL's.
Yeah, but then you toe this very narrow line between keeping and losing that headcount. If, for one year, you are a bit too down on sales then all of a sudden you're losing a few TL's.

We nearly lost our overnight process due to being in that situation.
Yeah, but then you toe this very narrow line between keeping and losing that headcount. If, for one year, you are a bit too down on sales then all of a sudden you're losing a few TL's.
Or you do ok in sales and even comp up a bit, but the org chart cutoff gets changed the next year and suddenly you're down one category and you lose TLs and ETLs.
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