Archived Swap Board/Call Out Explanation

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Oct 17, 2018
I asked for the 24th off at the beginning of December, but I found out I’m schedueld to work that day. My only options now are to put it on the swap board and/or call out. Can someone explain the process of the swap board and calling out so that I don’t mess up? Do I just write it down on the board and wait? When and where do I call in to call out for my shift that day? Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!
As for the swap board- put it on the board then ask everyone that can work in your area. You could bring it up to HR as an “I know it’s a busy time but I tried to request it off, could you please help me try to find coverage”
Put it on the board, talk to your team, and talk to your ETL. Not everyone checks the swap board and some ETLs will try to help your find coverage. Once someone does agree to take your shift, make sure they fill out their part on the swap board and make sure to tell your ETL so that it gets approved and updated in the system. Someone has to check for compliance before approving a shift swap so it's not always guranteed.

If you can't find coverage, you'll just need to call out and accept the consequences. ASANTS but some store hand out correctives if you call out on certain holidays. To call out you'll need to CALL the store at least 2 hours in advance (no you can't email or text someone) and ask to speak to the LOD. Let the know you won't be coming in. They'll ask you why and they'll pressure you to come in though. No matter what they say though, they won't be able to say you NCNS (which is much much worse than just calling out).
I guess ASANTS but alot of us dont have to work christmas eve at my store including seasonal 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah, I am seasonal and I requested Christmas Eve night off, saying I’d be more than happy to work earlier in the day. Instead, I got the whole day off! Many others at my store also are off. It has to be ASANTS.
Most requests for the 24th were auto denied. When we hire seasonals we make it clear during the interview that we will need them on black friday and xmas eve. Put your name on the board, your shift (cashier, HL etc) date and time. I doubt someone will pick it up which means you will have to call out.
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