Archived Swapping Shifts question... Confused as to what to do

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Aug 17, 2013
Okay so, this is about an electronics shift. I talked to a coworker a few days ago about taking my opening shift which happens to be tomorrow. I'm trying to get tomorrow off, so when they said they'd take it, I thought everything was all good. I also asked them if they were working at all that day and they said no, so I knew I'd have the whole day off and not have to close. I told a manager about the change and they said they'd change it in the system.

Anyways, just checked my schedule online for the heck of it, and it says I'm closing tomorrow what the heck? Do you think that could be scheduled by mistake? Or maybe my coworker actually was closing and it was just a misunderstanding... The store's closed and I can't call, and I know I can call them tomorrow (both electronics and the LOD) but I'm just kinda frustrated because I already made plans for tomorrow. I'm not the calling out type either, so I'm not really sure what to do, like technically this is on me due to lack of communication. Grrr...

any advice appreciated :)
The person probably forgot to change it. At this point, it is likely too late if you were scheduled to work 11/2 and there was nothing in writing (like a shift posted on the swap shift board, someone agreeing to take the shift by signing it, and a LOD signature approving it).

That would suck, but I would advise cancelling your plans and going to work.
Well, unfortunately, you now know why even if you do it verbally, you have to write it down on the swap shift board and have both parties sign. Without that, you may be stuck. Sounds like you may have to go in first thing in the morning and straighten it out...but you may be working in the evening,
If your coworker said they'd do it, there's probably no issue. Sounds like it just never got changed in the system.

Could you send a text/FB/twitter message to the other TM to make sure it's still ok?
If it's a short notice swap, have an ETL or SrTL (prefer LOD) sign off on it and ask them to switch it in the system as *soon as possible*. If they forget, that's their error. As long as you and person you're switching with have understanding of what's going down and they show up, you shouldn't be in trouble. This has happened to me and I've never gotten in trouble.
Thanks for the replies guys, I did learn my lesson in having better communication about shift swaps lol -_0 but luckily it turned out it was just a mistake in the system, either that or someone accidently scheduled me and then took me off, cause the next day I looked at my schedule online and the shift was no longer there. Weird...
Sometimes it takes a while for shifts to change in the system.
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