Sales Floor Target discontinuing movies.

Feb 22, 2021
There was this target communication that we're expanding more room for books and less for movies. how do we feel about this?

This is gonna fuck our workflow up ALOT at my store with more boxes of books. We got our first double uboat of books today. I have a feeling we're going to keep getting them until Q1.
We cut our movie section in half about 2 years ago to expand kids books and I would love it if they did that again. We don’t sell enough movies to justify the space we currently have. Also, I hate that a lot of movies are still vendor items, so they think you have 15 on hand, but never received any and can’t update the count, so the home sits empty.
Retail is so odd sometimes. Just the other day I went into Barnes and Noble and was surprised just how many movies they had nowadays.
Retail is so odd sometimes. Just the other day I went into Barnes and Noble and was surprised just how many movies they had nowadays.

New authors are upset because B&N has changed how their tables are set up.
They have gone to smaller tables with more used for games and other things.
The ones that do have books are more best sellers.
So it is going to be harder for new writers to get a seat at the table.
I misread the thread title as "discounting" lol.

Not surprised, not a ton of people buy DVDs anymore. I still do because those ultra hd Blu-ray's look stunning, but Target will do what's best for the business
New authors are upset because B&N has changed how their tables are set up.
They have gone to smaller tables with more used for games and other things.
The ones that do have books are more best sellers.
So it is going to be harder for new writers to get a seat at the table.
Yep, our shopping center has a B&N and they have a big game section. If someone can't find a board game at Target, I send them right to B&N.
New authors are upset because B&N has changed how their tables are set up.
They have gone to smaller tables with more used for games and other things.
The ones that do have books are more best sellers.
So it is going to be harder for new writers to get a seat at the table.
and this is Target's Spot. Team up with publishers and independent writers to be the place for new and emerging writer's. by Bri Bri's left eyebrow let us have a poetry endcap.

on a sidenote autocorrect does not like "endcap" wants to turn it into "endocarp"
and this is Target's Spot. Team up with publishers and independent writers to be the place for new and emerging writer's. by Bri Bri's left eyebrow let us have a poetry endcap.

on a sidenote autocorrect does not like "endcap" wants to turn it into "endocarp"

Oh, just wait until you have to do a R.I.P. author endcap.
That was always fun.
It tended to be a volunteer thing for booksellers who liked that particular author, but if nobody volunteered somebody had to do it.
Knowing Target it be more planogrammed.
I love the people who call me on tuesdays asking if we have a title and I'm like ... ha ha 😂 that ish aint even unloaded or unboxed yet

I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often at more store, with both movies and books. Movies tend to get worked out semi-regularly but books.....we usually have a pallet's worth waiting for someone* to take pity on them and bring them to the gaping holes on the floor.

*I'm more often than not that someone. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Movies are that for us, often the media boxes got slid in our tech stock room at the farthest end of their aisle. And just built up. If we saw any kpop that got properly immediately backstocked cause my team knew we would need to find these since we were the closet department to media.
In our electronics 2.0 store we had this 1 "huge" isle for movies. I drew it out on the plano. that change happened like right after we got the new entertainment section.


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It would make sense if movies was shrunk down to a section for new release steel books. Only people buying movies are collectors anyway.
But please... no more books... Or force stores to actually schedule GM for Entertainment like they are supposed to.
Do we even sell that many vinyls? There a pain in the ass to do revisions for. Please get rid of it.
oh yeah we do. Vinyls hit a record in like 2020. since then they just keep expanding.

With that said. We do not follow the planogram. We just throw random vinyls on the planogram because honestly, they sell lol.
oh yeah we do. Vinyls hit a record in like 2020. since then they just keep expanding.

With that said. We do not follow the planogram. We just throw random vinyls on the planogram because honestly, they sell lol.

We don't follow the planogram either. It is not set up in a way that can be easily maintained, especially because the labels get cut off on a reverse aisle. If they want this to look nice, they need to come up with a specific fixture to hold them neatly.
We don't follow the planogram either.
I used to religiously follow the plano. then my new ETL threw random shit on the floor and to my surprise, it was selling lol. So we just try our best to group stuff together.
shocked no one in our dept thought of doing it before. We had like 6 bins of vinyals that were marked as discontinued but were never getting pulled.
Ugh at my store guests love entertainment movies books and music(aka K-POP) I get asked daily multiple times do I have this (book cd/ K-pop version / movie) in stock. And so many times I can’t help them because no one is there to push the product or even backstock it. There really needs to be a DBO of entertainment which my store actually agreed and assigned someone however they keep pulling them to opu or pushing other departments. Tech used to own entertainment but it’s just too much to keep up with. It’s a whole other department and no one wants to deal with it. Books is insane with their damn boxes to break someone’s back. Music and movies are easier but we used to have someone come help with the movies but they got rid of that. Shelves are bare and guests are angry. It says online we have a book in stock and guess what I don’t have anyone to move the mountain of freight and get to the steel to dig through a pallet of 20 100lb boxes of books to find your book . Sorry
There's no reason to follow the plano on Vinyls since the way they were always sorted back in the day. Sure it was by alphabet (I think), but they still had them all in front of each other and you'd go through them by hand/finger.